耶路撒冷这个城市,本是神住在衪子民中间的居所。可是,对很多住在波斯的犹大人来说,它早已失去其重要性。当初所罗门王在献殿祷告时,一方面形容耶路撒冷为神在人间的居所,另一方面也知道这城并不能规限了神,因为祂是从天上的宝座掌管宇宙的神(列王纪上 8:27)。
雅各书 1:1用很特别的方式来称呼当地的基督徒:“请散住十二个支派之人的安” 。神的子民不拘住在什么地方,圣灵都住在他们的心灵和生命中(以弗所书 2:19-22)。基督徒在等待神显明祂属天的权能,我们在等待天上耶路撒冷的新天新地,那是我们永远的家乡。
列王纪下 24:8-17 2 Kings 24:8-17
8 约雅斤登基的时候年十八岁,在耶路撒冷作王三个月。他母亲名叫尼护施她,是耶路撒冷人以利拿单的女儿。
Far From Home
The Jewish people in the book of Esther had been far from their ancestral home in Jerusalem for a long time. The year was about 483 BC, and their great-grandparents had been exiled with King Jehoiachin over 100 years earlier (597 BC). Then, after Babylon was conquered by Persia in 539 BC, some Jewish exiles returned to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but many had remained and were now scattered over Persia’s 127 provinces. Still, they were God’s people.
Jerusalem, the city of God’s dwelling among his people, seems to have lost its central importance for many of the Jews in Persia. But this is not surprising. Even King Solomon, in his prayer of dedication for the temple, described it as God’s earthly dwelling but recognized that it couldn’t contain God, who rules throughout the universe from his throne in heaven (1 Kings 8:27).
Remarkably, James 1:1 addresses Christians this way: “To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations.” And today we know that the dwelling of the Holy Spirit is in the hearts and lives of God’s people (Ephesians 2:19-22), no matter where they live on this earth. Like the Jews in Esther’s time, Christians await the revealing of God’s heavenly power. We wait for the heavenly Jerusalem to descend on the new earth. Then we will finally be home.
In the meantime, we live out our Christian citizenship among the nations, wherever we are.
Thank you, Lord, for the heavenly citizenship we have through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳