一个敬虔的外邦人 A Righteous Foreigner

作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音


“路得就去了,来到田间,在收割的人身后拾取麦穗。” - 得 2:3

  路得对拿俄米的忠心,令人敬佩,但是其中的代价实在不菲。她远离家园,与拿俄米相依为命,甚至表示甘心客死他乡(路得记 1:16-17)。和拿俄米在一起,生活会非常艰辛,饥寒交迫,背井离乡。而更糟的,则是她的家乡摩押,常常与以色列为敌。试问她这个“外地人”,能给拿俄米带来怎样的帮助呢?她做的第一件事,就是在田里拾取留给穷人的麦穗。

  神要求以色列人在收割时要记念穷人的需要:“在你们的地收割庄稼,不可割尽田角,…… 要留给穷人和寄居的”(利未记 19:9-10)。路得开始拾取神命令以色列人预留给穷人的食物,来填补拿俄米的缺乏。这位来自摩押的外邦人,仿效以色列女子所作的,使拿俄米免受饥饿的折磨。







路得记 2:1-3, 17-20 Ruth 2:1-3, 17-20

1 拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒的亲族中,有一个人名叫波阿斯,是个大财主。


A Righteous Foreigner

"She went out, entered a field and began to glean behind the harvesters." — Ruth 2:3

英语音频 English audio

Ruth’s commitment to Naomi was both admirable and costly. She left her family home to live with Naomi in a strange land, even saying she would die there (Ruth 1:16-17). Joining herself to Naomi’s future promised only a shared emptiness: no food and no family. What’s more, her homeland, Moab, was a country often at odds with Israel. How could this “outsider” help Naomi? Well, Ruth began by gleaning grain that was left for the poor.

God’s Word to Israel included an instruction to support the poor at harvest time: “When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field. ...Leave them for the poor and the foreigner” (Leviticus 19:9-10). Ruth began to fill Naomi’s emptiness with the food God reserved for the poor. By behaving like a righteous Israelite woman, this Moabite Gentile saved Naomi from starvation.

This was an example of the righteousness of true mercy, showing that you love God above all and your neighbor as yourself. Ruth’s righteousness brought life-giving food to Naomi.

When Ruth explained where she’d gleaned the grain, Naomi rejoiced, for this gift had come from the field of a close relative, who would become her guardian-redeemer.

We too can praise God—for sending our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, as our Savior from sin!


Thank you, Lord, for the righteousness of Christ, which saves us from sin and fills all our needs. In his name, Amen.


诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
