来赴君王耶稣的筵席 Courting The King's Favor

作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

耶稣为我们受死的前一个晚上,衪擘饼和斟酒,并且这样说:“这是我的身体 …〔和〕我的血 … 使罪得赦” 。来,让我们同赴筵席,就是我们的君王耶稣为寻求衪恩惠的人而摆设的筵席。

“我若在王眼前蒙恩,王若以为美,…愿王将我的性命赐给我;… 求王将我的本族赐给我。” - 斯 7:3

  这位得王恩宠、成为最有权力的臣宰的哈曼满心欢喜,因他第二次被邀请与以斯帖王后和王一起坐席。可是,他前几天才受到羞辱,因为要在众人面前尊崇同样得王恩宠的敌人末底改(以斯帖记 6)。然而,接下来哈曼将要面对的事,会让他更惊讶。



  敬畏地上的王是聪明和智慧的,更何况敬畏掌管我们身体和灵魂的神(马太福音 10:28),岂不更明智吗?

  耶稣为我们受死的前一晚,擘饼分酒,说:“这是我的身体 …〔和〕我的血 … 使罪得赦” (马太福音 26:26-29)。来,让我们同赴筵席,就是我们的君王耶稣为寻求衪恩惠的人而摆设的筵席。




以斯帖记 7:1-7 Esther 7:1-7

6以斯帖说:“仇人敌人就是这恶人哈曼!” 哈曼在王和王后面前就甚惊惶。


Courting The King's Favor

“If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life. ... And spare my people.” — Esther 7:3

英语音频 English audio

Haman, who enjoyed the king’s favor as his most powerful official, was thrilled with the invitation to dine again with Queen Esther and the king. But in the past day he had also endured the shame of publicly honoring his enemy Mordecai, who had also found favor with the king (Esther 6). Soon Haman would have an even greater surprise.

This man who was plotting to destroy all the Jews in Persia had no idea that Queen Esther was also a Jew and a relative of Mordecai. What’s more, if anyone had the king’s favor, it was Esther, and she used her position shrewdly to advocate for her people. “If I and my people were only sold as slaves, I would not have disturbed you,” she tells the king, in effect, “but this vile Haman wants to annihilate us.” As the king’s favor turns to rage against him, Haman knows his only chance is to beg Esther for his life.

Xerxes’ terrible power could snuff out Haman’s life. As such, the king of Persia would be God’s instrument against this enemy of the Jews.

Fearing a king’s power is smart, even wise. But fearing the God who has power over body and soul is wiser (Matthew 10:28).

On the night before Jesus died for our sake, he broke bread and poured wine, saying, “This is my body ... [and] my blood ... for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:26-29). Come to the banquet that King Jesus has prepared for all who seek his favor.


For the favor you have given me, Lord, I thank you with body and soul. In Christ’s name, Amen.


诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
