可是,有些听过耶稣教导又见证过衪医病大能的人,却感到不爽。安息日有数百项规条,禁止人们做很多被视为工作的事情,那些被称为法利赛人的宗教领袖,素来以严谨遵守那些律例而得著称誉。所以当耶稣拒绝遵守那些律例时(马可福音 2:27),法利赛人尤其生气——耶稣竟敢胆在一周最神圣的一天来施行医治!之后耶稣还受到群众热烈的欢呼,他们就更怒火中烧了。
法利赛人真的非常恼怒耶稣,以至于他们说,耶稣医病的能力,乃是出于鬼王的(马可福音 3:22-24),这些法利赛人更是想尽方法,要杀害这位来到世上、使人得丰盛生命的耶稣(约翰福音 10:10)。
马可福音 3:1-6;路加福音 13:10-17
1耶稣又进了会堂,在那里有一个人枯干了一只手。"The Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus." — Mark 3:6
When Jesus came, good things happened.
When Jesus opened the Scriptures and taught everyone what those ancient words meant for their own lives and times, "the people were delighted" and many were amazed.
When Jesus encountered people stricken by disease or paralysis, his word and touch brought healing. The reaction was often great enthusiasm, and thanks and praise to God.
But some who witnessed Jesus' teaching and healing were not impressed. The religious leaders known as the Pharisees had built their reputation on their meticulous observance of hundreds of rules forbidding things that might be interpreted as work on the Sabbath day of rest. When Jesus refused to play by those rules (Mark 2:27), the Pharisees took offense. They were especially perturbed that Jesus dared to help and heal people on the holiest day of their week, the Sabbath. They were also outraged by the positive responses Jesus got from the crowds.
So angry were the Pharisees that they claimed Jesus' healing words and touch were from the devil (Mark 3:22-24). As a result, they were looking for ways to kill Jesus, the one who had come so that people could have life to the full (John 10:10).
Jesus, you brought healing to minds and bodies as you used creation power to help your people. And for this, some took offense to the point of hatred. This is still true today too, Lord. Heal your world, we pray. Amen.
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳