
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“人子必须受许多的苦,被长老、祭司长,和文士弃绝,并且被杀,第三日复活。” - 路 9:22

  今天是愚人节,也是大斋期过了一半的日子。这个月我们将一起回顾耶稣的耶路撒冷之行,祂正是在那里为我们的罪被钉死的。祂在这条路上艰苦跋涉,乃是遵行父神的呼召,但在当时,很多人看那是愚人的差事。 甚至连祂最亲近的门徒彼得也说:“主啊,万不可如此!这事必不临到你身上。” (太 16:22) 然而,耶稣始终没有动摇。

  神为什么差遣祂的儿子来完成这项使命呢?答案要回溯到人类历史的开端。在所有的受造物中,只有人具有神的形象 (创 1:26-27)。然而他们却反叛他们的造物主 (创 3),以致我们后来所有的人都要因他们的悖逆受到刑罚 (林前 15:22)。值得感恩的是,神有一个计划,而祂的儿子彻底执行了这项计划 (约 3:16)。

  在今天的经文中,耶稣预先以自己在这地上使命的终局警告祂的门徒们。而当祂复活以后,祂解释说:“这就是我从前与你们同在之时所告诉你们的话” (路24:44)。然而,直到“人要奉他的名传悔改、赦罪的道......直传到万邦” (路 24:47),祂的使命才算彻底完成。





路加福音 9:18-22


April's Fool?

"The Son of Man must suffer many things... and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life." — Luke 9:22

英语音频 English Audio

On this April Fools' Day we're in the middle of Lent. This month we'll recall Christ's journey to Jerusalem, where he was crucified for our sins. He trekked this hard road on God's orders, but at the time many saw it as a fool's errand. Even Peter, one of his closest followers, said, "Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!" (Matthew 16:22). But Jesus didn't waver.

Why did God send his Son on this mission? The reason goes way back to the beginning of human history. In all creation, only humans bore God's image (Genesis 1:26-27). But they rebelled against their Maker (Genesis 3) and burdened all of the rest of us with the penalty for their disobedience (1 Corinthians 15:22). Thankfully, God had a plan, and his Son followed it through (John 3:16).

In today's verses Jesus forewarns his disciples about the end of his earthly mission. And after his resurrection he explained, "This is what I told you while I was still with you" (Luke 24:44). But his mission won't be fully complete until "repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations" (Luke 24:47).

Have we repented, and do we believe in Jesus so that we can share in his resurrection and tell others this good news?


Lord Jesus, to the world, your mission may seem foolish. But we're profoundly grateful you took it on. Give us repentant hearts and believing souls so that we can share in your resurrection and spread its joy. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
