今天的经文比较长,但它带出一个问题:那一天在场的人中,有谁会称这是个“好”日子呢 (译者注:英文称这一天为Good Friday)?大祭司该亚法和法利赛人除掉了一个受欢迎的、有影响力的传道者——但代价是何等巨大!铁石心肠的罗马官员本丢彼拉多很不情愿地允许耶稣被钉十字架,只是为了平息愤怒的民众以及那些想仇恨在心的领袖们。彼拉多把耶稣交给执刑的兵丁们,对他们来说,这只不过是那一天两个死刑判决的另一个——直到百夫长意识到他们杀了神的儿子 (太 27:54)!
如果门徒们说这一天“好”,那只能是在遇到复活的基督之后 (约21)。耶稣是否会说那个星期五是“好”日子呢?就连前一天的晚上祂都是极度痛苦的,因为耶稣要哀求天父免去祂这个恐怖的使命 (路 22:39-46)。或许后来,当祂回到天上与父同在时,祂才会最终说:“是的,父啊,那一天是个好日子。”
“Good Friday”这个名称最开始出现于四世纪。有些人认为它最初被叫做God's Friday (神的星期五)。今天,只有我们真的领会耶稣的试炼、刑罚和死亡能带给我们救恩,才会称它是好的,而这些是透过信心的属灵眼镜看到的。从这种意义上来说,耶稣受难日确实是个好日子!
约翰福音 19:1-30
1当下彼拉多将耶稣鞭打了。"Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." — John 19:30
Today's reading is long, but it raises the question Would anyone there that day have called it a "good" day? The high priest Caiaphas and the Pharisees got rid of a popular, influential preacher—but at what price? Pontius Pilate, the hard-bitten Roman governor, reluctantly allowed Jesus to be crucified to appease the mob and their leaders demanding Jesus' life. Pilate turned him over to the execution squad, for whom this was just another death sentence along with two others that day—until the centurion realized they'd killed the Son of God (Matthew 27:54)!
If the disciples called it "good," it was only after encountering the risen Christ (John 21). And would Jesus say that Friday was "good"? Even the night before was agonizing, as Jesus begged his Father to spare him from his awful mission (Luke 22:39-46). Maybe later, back in heaven with God, he could finally say, "Yes, Father, that was a good day."
The term "Good Friday" first occurred in the fourth century. Some think it was originally called "God's Friday." Today we can call it "good" if we appreciate the fact that Jesus' trial, punishment, and death brought our salvation. These truths are seen through the spiritual spectacles of faith. So in that sense it truly is "Good Friday"!
Is this Friday good for you?
On Good Friday, blessed Jesus, we lament the sin and evil that made this horror necessary. But we are also grateful for your sacrifice. Help us prepare for resurrected living. In your holy name, Amen.
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳