世世代代,这位绝望父亲的诉求得到无数的回响,因为每个为人父母的都可以认同。对,你歇尽全力想去挽救你那在患难中的孩子。如果人不是试过“神啊,请帮助我”这股内心的呼喊,人不会明白什么是不住的祷告 (帖前 5:17)。
尽管这件事发生在耶稣被钉十架和复活之前,我们已经看见神的国藉着基督,正闯入世上的国 (启 11:15),要战胜罪恶。
马可福音 9:14-29
14耶稣到了门徒那里,看见有许多人围着他们,又有文士和他们辩论。"'Everything is possible for one who believes.'...The boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!'" — Mark 9:23-24
The desperate father's plea reverberates down the centuries. Every parent understands. You're desperate to help your child. Prayer isn't so continual (1 Thessalonians 5:17) as involuntary: "God, please help!"
A son suffers seizures from demon-possession. As a mild epileptic, I know how terrifying seizures can be for my loved ones. No doubt in panic, the helpless father seeks the help of Jesus' disciples. But they're unable to help, and an argument with the local religious leaders ensues.
Though this happened before Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, we see the kingdom of God in Christ invading the kingdom of the world" (Revelation 11:15), conquering evil.
But the boy's father doesn't realize this. He's just reaching out to the Savior: "If you can do anything... help us."
Jesus' response—"Everything is possible for one who believes"—may sound trite. The father responds with uncommon honesty: "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" Then "the God thing" happens. Jesus frees the boy of the demon, heals him of his seizures, and restores him to his family. The honest-to-God father with just a mustard seed of faith now has his son back—healthy and whole. This is resurrection life.
Father God, you loved us while we were yet sinners. Give us daily faith to seek you. Help us who struggle with faith to believe every day in the Christ who saves us. Amen.
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳