
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“我曾与(利未)立生命和平安的约。” - 玛 2:5

  神管教的目的是要挽回祂的子民,使他们回转。神与衪的子民曾立了“生命和平安的约”, 祂期望能与他们重建这个关系。可惜,在这个败坏的世界,生命和平安太难得到。昔日以色列民敬拜金牛犊和肆意叛逆神,神就在这时与利未立了约。摩西说:“‘凡属耶和华的,都要到我这里来!’于是利未的子孙都到他那里聚集” (出埃及记 32:26),利未人便成为在混乱中维护神秩序的保安人员。自此以后,利未人的敬虔,也代表了神与祂的子民关系的重建。






玛拉基书 2:3-6


Let God Rule

"My covenant was with [Levi], a covenant of life and peace." — Malachi 2:5

英语音频 English Audio

God's discipline is meant to restore his people to himself. God has "a covenant of life and peace" with his people, and he longs to restore that relationship. But life and peace do not come easily in this broken world. The covenant with Levi began when the Israelites worshiped a golden calf and ran wild with disobedience. Moses said, "'Whoever is for the LORD, come to me.' And all the Levites rallied to him" (Exodus 32:26). The Levites became a sort of police force to restore God's order from chaos. From then on, the reverence shown by the Levites was an indicator of God's restoring his relationship with his people.

The deeper my relationship with God becomes, the more I long to see Jesus take complete control of my life. Once that sounded oppressive to me; now it sounds like the greatest freedom. I am addicted to sin, and death is a continual threat to my life and peace. But through the Holy Spirit, Jesus weans me from those evil powers. I have found I cannot do it on my own; I need Jesus' help.

I have also found that Jesus' help often comes through other godly Christians—people who become like my own personal Levites. When we learn to live in humble community together, submitting to each other's guidance in Christ, we receive a life and peace that few others ever know. Have you found that to be true in your life?


Dear Jesus, be the Lord of my life. Root out any temptation to sin. Hold off the brokenness that leads to death. Put godly people in my life to keep me close to you. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
