
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶和华在你和你幼年所娶的妻中间作见证,… 你却以诡诈待她。” - 玛 2:14

  谈到牺牲,便要视乎一个人所付出的难度有多少,来作衡量。在路加福音 21:4中,耶稣告诉我们,那位奉献两个小钱的寡妇,牺牲的比其他人更多,因为她把她所有的都献上了。

  在玛拉基的时代,百姓不单吝啬他们对圣殿的献祭(玛拉基书 1:7),他们更不肯牺牲个人的私欲,好让自己有能力照顾妻子和儿女。如果这些男子为了供养家人,才吝啬对神献上衪配得的,在神眼中则看为别论,但事实上,这些人连对家人也是自私自利的。






玛拉基书 2:13-14


Sacrifice For Your Family

"The LORD is the witness between you and the wife of your youth. You have been unfaithful to her. . . ." — Malachi 2:14

英语音频 English Audio

Sacrifice is measured by difficulty. Jesus tells us in Luke 21:1-4 that the widow who gave two small coins sacrificed more than all the others did, because she gave all she had.

In Malachi's day not only were people skimping on their temple sacrifices (Malachi 1:7); they couldn't even sacrifice their desires in order to take care of their wives and children. It would have been one thing in God's eyes for men to skimp on what God deserved in order to take care of their families. But the men were also actually being unfaithful to their families.

It is an amazing display of the loving faithfulness of God that he tells the men of Israel that he won't accept their sacrifices if they don't take care of their families. Far too many of God's people have gotten it backwards, neglecting their marriage and family for the sake of their career or even the church. One of my seminary professors once said that God will often ask our families to make sacrifices, but God will never ask us to sacrifice our families.

That statement lines up with this verse. When we are unfaithful to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our families, we are living outside of God's will. And there's never an excuse for that.


Dear Jesus, save us from our selfishness. Help us to love our families the way you love them and to sacrifice ourselves first for them. Please also let us have much left over to give for others. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
