
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“向你们敬畏我名的人,必有公义的日头出现,其光线有医治之能。” - 玛 4:2


  我们自然会问,玛拉基所说的医治究竟指什么呢。玛拉基再次提到,在末后的日子,整个世界将会像被火炼净一样,他指出,没有人能当得起神炼净的火(玛拉基书 3:2-3)。换句话说,我们都是罪人。然而,我们可以有不同的结局。那些谦卑承认是自己的罪使自己远离神的人,他们必得蒙赦免。那些始终不敬畏神的人,将会被那烧尽一切的火毁灭。







玛拉基书 3:16-4:3


Rays Of Righteousness

"For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays." — Malachi 4:2

英语音频 English Audio

This beautiful promise near the end of the book of Malachi was for those who felt convicted of their disrespect for God and who signed the "scroll of remembrance" to recommit themselves to God. Righteousness would rise up to shine on them like the rays of the sun. And in those rays they would find healing.

We might reasonably ask what sort of healing Malachi had in mind. Malachi talks again about the last days when the world will be purified as with fire. He had pointed out that no one was safe from God's refining fire (Malachi 3:2-3). In other words, we are all sinners. The difference is that those who live in humble repentance for the sin that makes them distant from God will be forgiven of their sins. Those who will not fear God will be consumed as in a fire that burns everything completely.

Just as those who signed the scroll of remembrance in Malachi's day, we too have the opportunity to commit or recommit ourselves to God. If we can accept and repent of our own sin and imperfection, the hurts we have caused others, and the distance our sin has created between ourselves and God, then God's righteousness will rise like the sun on us as well.


Dear Jesus, you rose from the dead and shined your righteousness on me. I know that you have paid for my sins. Please accept my prayer and help me to commit my life to you. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
