
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“黑夜睡觉,白日起来,这种就发芽渐长,那人却不晓得如何这样。” - 可 4:27


  我们孩子还小的时候,很喜欢读艾诺·洛贝尔的《青蛙与蟾蜍》系列丛书。其中最喜欢的一个是蟾蜍种植花园的故事。一两天之后,它就开始发愁种子是否还能发芽长大。所以它就唱歌给种子听,整晚陪着它们 (恐怕它们怕黑) ,甚至对着它们尖叫和哭泣。最后蟾蜍精疲力尽地睡着了。当它醒来的时候,看到种子已经发芽了,才大大地松了一口气。





马可福音 4:26-29


The Mystery Of Seeds

"Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how." — Mark 4:27

英语音频 English Audio

My wife and I plant a variety of seeds—beans and radishes in rows, zucchini and squash in mounds. These methods make the sprouting and growing of seeds no less of a mystery. Surely there is a scientific explanation today for the sprouting of seeds and the growth of tender shoots, and that will only increase my awe.

When our children were young, we enjoyed reading the stories of Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel. One favorite was the tale of Toad planting a garden. After a day or two he began to fret about whether his seeds would ever sprout and grow. So he sang to them, stayed up with them all night (in case they were afraid of the dark), and even screamed at them and wept over them. Exhausted, Toad finally fell asleep. When he awoke, he saw to his great relief that the seeds had sprouted.

Too often, I am like Toad when working in Jesus' church and God's kingdom. I act and feel as if it all depends on me. As Jesus tells us in his parable, however, God's garden grows from seed to harvest "all by itself." So much of this is a mystery. We need to do our part—sow the seed, water, tend the garden, and reap the harvest—but we do not make the seed grow. That happens by God's gracious work. We can simply delight in doing our small part in growing the kingdom.


Dear God, thanks for the gift and mystery of seeds. Help me to humbly do my part in work and prayer and to rely on you for growth in and around me. In Jesus I pray. Amen.

诵读: 孙大中
片头: 张妙阳
