
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“你从埃及挪出一棵葡萄树...你在这树根前预备了地方,他就深深扎根,爬满了地。” - 诗 80:8-9








诗篇 80:1-11

1领约瑟如领羊群之以色列的牧者啊,求你留心听! 坐在二基路伯上的啊,求你发出光来!
2在以法莲、便雅悯、玛拿西前面 施展你的大能,来救我们。
3神啊,求你使我们回转, 使你的脸发光,我们便要得救!
4耶和华-万军之神啊, 你向你百姓的祷告发怒,要到几时呢?
5你以眼泪当食物给他们吃, 又多量出眼泪给他们喝。
6你使邻邦因我们纷争; 我们的仇敌彼此戏笑。
7万军之神啊,求你使我们回转, 使你的脸发光,我们便要得救!
8你从埃及挪出一棵葡萄树, 赶出外邦人,把这树栽上。
9你在这树根前预备了地方, 它就深深扎根,爬满了地。
10它的影子遮满了山, 枝子好像佳美的香柏树。
11它发出枝子,长到大海, 发出蔓子,延到大河。


"You transplanted a vine from Egypt... You cleared the ground for it, and it took root and filled the land." — Psalm 80:8-9

英语音频 English Audio

I love raspberry bushes and their sweet fruit. Before my parents moved out of their home, I dug up as many roots from my father's garden as I could fit in the space I had carved out behind our new home. I transplanted and nurtured the roots until they became healthy plants. As I watched over these plants, they produced their pleasing fruit. The roots sent out shoots, and the patch grew.

Psalm 80 tells of a transplanted "vine from Egypt." The Lord God transplanted this vine with tender, loving care. The Lord protected it with shade and walls, and "it took root and filled the land." This vine is a picture of Israel, God's people, flourishing.

I am a shoot from a transplant. My grandparents immigrated more than 100 years ago. For the first couple of generations my extended family remained planted in their faith and flourished. Over time, family ties and connections to the immigrant community loosened. In some ways this has been good. But connections with God and God's people have weakened or been severed for some, and the family tree has weakened.

The words of our text in Psalm 80 are nestled in lament. Something has gone wrong with the vine. God's people are in anguish, struggling outside of his favor and needing to repent. Is that the case for us too?


Lord, thank you for bringing us to places and times of flourishing. Help us to be faithful, and call us to repentance when we wander. Hear and forgive us, O Lord. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
