
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“凡事都有定期,天下万务都有定时...栽种有时,拔出所栽种的,也有时。” - 传 3:1-2


  传道书扣人心弦的美,在于它那种“日光之下”务实的生活态度。 栽种时感到兴奋,拔出时感到悲伤。然而,我们若能够拥抱在神看顾和掌管之下的一切生与死,个中纵然有喜有悲,却是人生的智慧。






传道书 3:1-8

1凡事都有定期, 天下万务都有定时。
2生有时,死有时; 栽种有时,拔出所栽种的也有时;
3杀戮有时,医治有时; 拆毁有时,建造有时;
4哭有时,笑有时; 哀恸有时,跳舞有时;
5抛掷石头有时,堆聚石头有时; 怀抱有时,不怀抱有时;
6寻找有时,失落有时; 保守有时,舍弃有时;
7撕裂有时,缝补有时; 静默有时,言语有时;
8喜爱有时,恨恶有时; 争战有时,和好有时。

A Time To Uproot

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:... a time to plant and a time to uproot." — Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

英语音频 English Audio

The end of the vegetable gardening season is a glad time and a sad time. In a good year, the harvest is healthy and heavy with bountiful beans, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, and all other kinds of produce. That's the glad part. The sad part includes the uprooting of plants that still look hearty and strong but have yielded their harvest. So I often feel a pang of loss and sorrow when I uproot my spent broccoli, bean, and tomato plants. Nevertheless, it must be done to prepare for the next season.

The profound beauty of Ecclesiastes is its down-to-earth approach to life "under the sun." While the time for planting may be more invigorating, the time for uprooting must receive its due. Embracing all of life and death as under God's care and control is a glad/sad business that is only wise.

I could have left my broccoli, bean, tomato, and other plants in the ground in the hope that they would weather the frost and snow and sprout new life in the spring, but such is not the nature of those plants. If I hope to enjoy the sprouting of new life, I will need to plant again in the spring.

So too with the seasons of life—doing what is required in each season is a sad/glad business that in Christ leads to the world to come.


God in heaven, thank you for ordering the seasons of the year and the seasons of our lives. Help us to rejoice in you, no matter what the season. In Jesus' name, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
