
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“从前偷窃的,不要再偷;总要努力,亲手做正经事,就可有余,分给那缺少的人。” - 弗 4:28

  与耶稣同钉十字架的两个强盗,其中一个讥诮耶稣,可见这人至死仍然心硬;另一个却诚心忏悔,因为他看到耶稣是清白的,他也相信祂真真正正是祂自称的那位救主。他求耶稣在祂得国降临时候记念他,耶稣便应许他,当日他们便一同在乐园里了(路加福音 23:39-43)。


  那些不认识教会的人,以为教会基本上是为正人君子而设的。不错,神的子民往往认为他们比其他人优越。然而自古至今,神都告诉我们,祂祝福我们,不是因为我们是义人,而是要藉着我们把祝福传给其他人(参看创世记 12:2 -3;申命记 9:4-6)。





以弗所书 4:25-32


The Great Turn-Around

"Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need." - Ephesians 4:28

英语音频 English Audio

Two robbers were crucified with Jesus. One mocked Jesus, hard-hearted to the end. The other repented, seeing that Jesus was innocent and believing that he was who he said he was. He asked Jesus to remember him when he came into his kingdom. Jesus promised they would be together that very day in paradise (Luke 23:39-43).

Conversion to Christ brings a great turn-around in a person's life. One who has been stealing begins to work so that he can generously give to people in need. One whose mouth was filled with gossip, lies, and filthy language begins to talk in a way that helps others instead of corrupting them. A pornography addict learns to control himself and to have a pure mind.

People who don't understand the church think it's only for basically decent, respectable folk. Yes, God's people often think they are better than others. But God has told us from ancient times that he has blessed us not because we are righteous but so that we can pass the blessing along to others (see Genesis 12:2-3; Deuteronomy 9:4-6).

If we keep in mind that the blessings of salvation are entirely by the grace of God, we'll have the humility—and the boldness—to relate to others in Christ's church and to work together to share his good news with others.


Thank you, Lord, for your grace and for the fellowship of other saved sinners. May we help each other to live holy lives and share your love with others. In Jesus, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
