
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“人多述说自己的仁慈,但忠信人谁能遇着呢?” - 箴 20:6



  鉴于此,让我们思想一下,忠心和不变的爱,在我们与人所有的关系中是何等重要。这些从神的本性而来的特质,比起外在的美貌或英俊的仪表重要得多。“艳丽是虚假的,美容是虚浮的,惟敬畏耶和华的妇女必得称赞!”(箴言 31:30)。当然,同样道理也可应用在敬畏神的男士身上。彼得指出,美丽是从内心发出来的,“里面存着长久温柔、安静的心”,他更鼓励我们要敬重和体谅每一个人(彼得前书 3:4-7)。





箴言 20:5-11

5人心怀藏谋略,好像深水, 惟明哲人才能汲引出来。
6人多述说自己的仁慈, 但忠信人谁能遇着呢?
7行为纯正的义人, 他的子孙是有福的!
8王坐在审判的位上, 以眼目驱散诸恶。
9谁能说,我洁净了我的心, 我脱净了我的罪?
10两样的法码,两样的升斗, 都为耶和华所憎恶。
11孩童的动作是清洁,是正直, 都显明他的本性。

A Faithful Person Who Can Find?

"Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?" - Proverbs 20:6

英语音频 English Audio

An old Scottish folk song croons, "I will love thee 'til all the seas run dry." Sadly though, there's a song by Robert Burns, an old-time bard of Scotland, in which he sings, "Wantonness has been my ruin," lamenting that he has been led astray by lust, his life is a shambles because of promiscuous relationships, and he can't break free.

The situation today is no different: many popular songs are about broken relationships and broken hearts, tales of deep sorrow and woe.

In light of all this, let's think about the importance of faithfulness and unfailing love in all our relationships. Those characteristics—flowing from the character of God—are much more important than outward beauty or handsome features. "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised" (Proverbs 31:30). The same is true, of course, for a God-fearing man. And Peter notes that beauty comes from within—"the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit"; he also encourages respect and consideration for all (1 Peter 3:4-7).

Are you looking for a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Don't just look at outward appearances. Think about what's really important. Look for someone who loves the Lord. Here's the key to joyful, lasting, fulfilling human relationships: God's love, steady as a rock, in our hearts.


Lord God, thank you for your love and faithfulness and how you protect us each day. May we show your love in all our interactions with others. In Jesus, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
