
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“摩西和以色列人向耶和华唱歌说,我要向耶和华歌唱,因他大大战胜。” - 出 15:1

  在出埃及记1章中,我们看到由罪带来的一些严重后果。当时神的百姓在埃及沦为奴隶,他们变得“因作苦工觉得命苦”,而且埃及人“在一切的工上都严严地待他们”(出埃及记 1:14)。然而,神在第一个逾越节的晚上,将祂的百姓从奴役中释放出来,从受压迫的境况救赎出来(参出埃及记 12-13)。


  圣经教导我们,正如所有的以色列民是埃及的奴隶,我们也都是罪的奴隶。“世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。”(罗马书 3:23)然而,如今我们仍当歌唱!因为耶稣基督已经藉着祂在十字架上的死和祂从死里复活释放了我们。

  我们也应当歌颂赞美神拯救的作为。如果我们承认耶稣基督作我们的救主,将来有一天,我们会和所有被救赎的子民一同歌唱“神仆人摩西的歌,和羔羊的歌”(启示录 15:3)。那将是多么荣美的一天啊!




出埃及记 15:1-21

1那时,摩西和以色列人向耶和华唱歌说: 我要向耶和华歌唱,因他大大战胜, 将马和骑马的投在海中。
2耶和华是我的力量,我的诗歌, 也成了我的拯救。 这是我的神,我要赞美他, 是我父亲的神,我要尊崇他。
3耶和华是战士; 他的名是耶和华。
4法老的车辆、军兵,耶和华已抛在海中; 他特选的军长都沉于红海。
5深水淹没他们; 他们如同石头坠到深处。
6耶和华啊,你的右手施展能力,显出荣耀; 耶和华啊,你的右手摔碎仇敌。
7你大发威严,推翻那些起来攻击你的; 你发出烈怒如火,烧灭他们像烧碎秸一样。
8你发鼻中的气,水便聚起成堆, 大水直立如垒, 海中的深水凝结。
9仇敌说:我要追赶,我要追上; 我要分掳物,我要在他们身上称我的心愿。 我要拔出刀来,亲手杀灭他们。
10你叫风一吹,海就把他们淹没; 他们如铅沉在大水之中。
11耶和华啊,众神之中,谁能像你? 谁能像你-至圣至荣, 可颂可畏,施行奇事?
12你伸出右手, 地便吞灭他们。
13你凭慈爱领了你所赎的百姓; 你凭能力引他们到了你的圣所。
14外邦人听见就发颤; 疼痛抓住非利士的居民。
15那时,以东的族长惊惶, 摩押的英雄被战兢抓住, 迦南的居民心都消化了。
16惊骇恐惧临到他们。 耶和华啊,因你膀臂的大能, 他们如石头寂然不动, 等候你的百姓过去, 等候你所赎的百姓过去。
17你要将他们领进去,栽于你产业的山上- 耶和华啊,就是你为自己所造的住处; 主啊,就是你手所建立的圣所。
21米利暗应声说: 你们要歌颂耶和华,因他大大战胜, 将马和骑马的投在海中。  

The Singing Continues

"Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD: 'I will sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted.'" — Exodus 15:1

英语音频 English Audio

In Exodus 1 we see some of the radical effects of sin. God's people became slaves in Egypt. Their lives became "bitter with harsh labor," and "the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly" (Exodus 1:14). But God set his people free from slavery on the night of the first Passover, redeeming them from oppression (see Exodus 12-13).

Exodus 15 records a glorious song in which the Israelites praise God for their deliverance. This is a song about God's miraculous deeds! At least a dozen times in the first 12 verses alone God's name is mentioned! God, the Creator and Redeemer of this world, will accomplish his goal to redeem his people and restore the world he has made for his glory. The song closes with these words: "The LORD reigns for ever and ever."

Just as all the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, the Bible teaches us that we are all slaves to sin. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Yet today we have a reason to sing! Jesus Christ has delivered us from sin by his death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.

We too should praise God for his deliverance. If we confess Jesus Christ as our Savior, then one day we will sing, along with all who have been redeemed, "the song of God's servant Moses and of the Lamb" (Revelation 15:3). What a day that will be!


Lord, we will sing to you, for you are highly exalted. You are our strength and our defense; you are our salvation. Praise be to your name. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
