
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“但那等候耶和华的,必从新得力。” - 赛 40:31








以赛亚书 40:25-31; 启示录 6:9-11

25那圣者说:你们将谁比我, 叫他与我相等呢?
26你们向上举目, 看谁创造这万象, 按数目领出, 他一一称其名; 因他的权能, 又因他的大能大力, 连一个都不缺。
27 雅各啊,你为何说, 我的道路向耶和华隐藏? 以色列啊,你为何言, 我的冤屈神并不查问?
28你岂不曾知道吗? 你岂不曾听见吗? 永在的神耶和华,创造地极的主, 并不疲乏,也不困倦; 他的智慧无法测度。
29疲乏的,他赐能力; 软弱的,他加力量。
30就是少年人也要疲乏困倦; 强壮的也必全然跌倒。
31但那等候耶和华的必重新得力。 他们必如鹰展翅上腾; 他们奔跑却不困倦, 行走却不疲乏。

A Song Of Hope

"Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength." — Isaiah 40:31

英语音频 English Audio

Waiting can be filled with eager anticipation—children waiting for Christmas; teens waiting to get their driver's license; adults waiting with joy for their wedding day or for the arrival of their first child.

There is also a more difficult side to waiting. Parents wait anxiously for a medical assessment after their child has had an accident. When we have lost a job, or when a spouse is critically ill, we wait with heavy hearts for an indication that God is watching over us and providing for us in our need.

Isaiah 40 begins with words of comfort and ends with words of hope. Those who wait on the Lord and put their hope in him will be renewed; "they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

As wonderful as these promises are, we can all testify that we long for our days of waiting to be over as our need for comfort continues. Is our hope in the Lord in vain? Far from it! Jesus, the Lamb of God, is on the throne. We are called to declare the good news that Jesus has come and is coming again. Until that day we are called to join with him in absorbing the suffering of the world. And we pray daily for God's kingdom to come and his will to be done.


Lord, our lives are filled with waiting. Sometimes we anticipate with joy; sometimes we dread waking to another day. May our hope always be in you, our King who has come and is coming again. In your name, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
