
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“至于世人,他的年日如草一样,他发旺如野地的花;经风一吹,便归无有。” - 诗 103:15-16




  诗人用简单却惊人的话来提醒我们:“至于世人,他的年日如草一样,他发旺如野地的花;经风一吹,便归无有。” 这番话虽然发人深省,却不会令我们感到绝望。因为我们同时也深信, “耶和华的慈爱归于敬畏他的人,从亘古到永远。”

  神的爱常与我们同在,任何事物都不能叫我们与衪的爱隔绝(参看罗马书 8:38-39)。赞美主!




诗篇 103

1我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华! 凡在我里面的,也要称颂他的圣名!
2我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华! 不可忘记他的一切恩惠!
3他赦免你的一切罪孽, 医治你的一切疾病。
4他救赎你的命脱离死亡, 以仁爱和慈悲为你的冠冕。
5他用美物使你所愿的得以知足, 以致你如鹰返老还童。
6耶和华施行公义, 为一切受屈的人伸冤。
7他使摩西知道他的法则, 叫以色列人晓得他的作为。
8耶和华有怜悯,有恩典, 不轻易发怒,且有丰盛的慈爱。
9他不长久责备, 也不永远怀怒。
10他没有按我们的罪过待我们, 也没有照我们的罪孽报应我们。
11天离地何等的高, 他的慈爱向敬畏他的人也是何等的大!
12东离西有多远, 他叫我们的过犯离我们也有多远!
13父亲怎样怜恤他的儿女, 耶和华也怎样怜恤敬畏他的人!
14因为他知道我们的本体, 思念我们不过是尘土。
15至于世人,他的年日如草一样。 他发旺如野地的花,
16经风一吹,便归无有; 它的原处也不再认识它。
17但耶和华的慈爱归于敬畏他的人, 从亘古到永远; 他的公义也归于子子孙孙-
18就是那些遵守他的约、 记念他的训词而遵行的人。
19耶和华在天上立定宝座; 他的权柄统管万有。
20听从他命令、成全他旨意、 有大能的天使,都要称颂耶和华!
21你们作他的诸军,作他的仆役, 行他所喜悦的,都要称颂耶和华!
22你们一切被他造的, 在他所治理的各处, 都要称颂耶和华! 我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华!  

Grass And Gratitude

"The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone." — Psalm 103:15-16

英语音频 English Audio

I’ve read an account by a Christian brother who, while hospitalized in critical condition, had an overwhelming experience of gratitude. He describes lying quietly in a melancholy hush that had settled over the intensive care unit at two o’clock in the morning. There was no warning, no preparation.

Then, alone in the dark that morning, his spirit was suddenly possessed by something he concludes was gratitude. He said it came on like a seizure, a fit of frenzy, of pure unadulterated joy.

In that moment he realized how fragile and fleeting life is but also how precious and miraculous it is. He said he’d been so busy in his life that he’d almost forgotten the gift of life he’d been given. In his whirlwind of gratitude, all he could say were the words of Psalm 103: “Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”

With words both simple and haunting, the psalmist reminds us: “The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone.” Though these words may give us pause, they do not lead us to despair. For we can also be sure that “from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him.”

God’s love is with us and will not let anything separate us from him (see Romans 8:38-39). Praise the Lord!


Lord, today we are reminded how fleeting and precious life is. Receive our thanks for this incomparably good gift. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
