
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“他医好伤心的人,裹好他们的伤口。…… 你们要以感谢向耶和华歌唱……。” - 诗 147:3, 7








诗篇 147:1-11

1你们要赞美耶和华! 因歌颂我们的神为善为美; 赞美的话是合宜的。
2耶和华建造耶路撒冷, 聚集以色列中被赶散的人。
3他医好伤心的人, 裹好他们的伤处。
4他数点星宿的数目, 一一称它的名。
5我们的主为大,最有能力; 他的智慧无法测度。
6耶和华扶持谦卑人, 将恶人倾覆于地。
7你们要以感谢向耶和华歌唱, 用琴向我们的神歌颂。
8他用云遮天,为地降雨, 使草生长在山上。
9他赐食给走兽 和啼叫的小乌鸦。
10他不喜悦马的力大, 不喜爱人的腿快。
11耶和华喜爱敬畏他 和盼望他慈爱的人。  

Thanks For Small Things

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. . . . Sing to the LORD with grateful praise. . . ." — Psalm 147:3, 7

英语音频 English Audio

When our young children scraped a knee or elbow, they’d cry for a bandage—whether they needed one or not. I’d usually comply. It was surprising how much comfort could come from a small adhesive strip. That’s probably because the tiny bandage represented much more than a wound covering, for it was put in place by hands with a history of showing love and tender kindness.

Throughout the Bible we can see that God also uses small things to bring hope and healing to the world. God chose the small nation of Israel and charged them to be a blessing to all other nations. Through this group of people, preserved and cared for by God’s faithful hands, the Savior, Jesus Christ, came into the world. And the Savior himself came in a tiny package: a baby born of a teenage peasant girl. Who would imagine that such a child would heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds?

Psalm 147 uses words that echo throughout the Bible and were made visible as Jesus went about his compassionate healing ministry. What’s more, Jesus promises to forgive all our sins and to be with us always to bring comfort and hope far beyond words printed on a page.

Let’s give thanks that God works in small ways. Ask him to help you see today how his faithful hands are tending your wounded heart.


God, receive our thanks that Jesus came in a small way to change everything with the forgiveness and hope he brings. In his name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
