
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“因为他说有,就有。命立,就立。” - 诗 33:9


  关于圣经的大能,马丁路德说:“有什么看起来比一句话显得更无关重要呢?”接着他又说:“然而当神说话时,那句话马上表达了生命的跳跃。”我们在创世的过程中,看到了神话语的大能,“因为他说有,就有。”我们也看到神“常用他权能的命令托住万有” (希伯来书 1:3)。而且只有神的话拥有复活的大能,能将所有死在罪里的人带入生命。

  你有没有听到过神藉着祂的话 (圣经)向你的内心说话呢?如果你已经认识神有一段日子了,回想当你读到或听到神的话,它在你里面激发改变的时刻。想想神的话又是如何创造出美丽、生命和祝福吧。今天,就去读神的话,去分享,去查考,并祈求神将之栽种在你的心里。





诗篇 33

1义人哪,你们应当靠耶和华欢乐; 正直人的赞美是合宜的。
2你们应当弹琴称谢耶和华, 用十弦瑟歌颂他。
3应当向他唱新歌, 弹得巧妙,声音洪亮。
4因为耶和华的言语正直; 凡他所做的尽都诚实。
5他喜爱仁义公平; 遍地满了耶和华的慈爱。
6诸天藉耶和华的命而造; 万象藉他口中的气而成。
7他聚集海水如垒, 收藏深洋在库房。
8愿全地都敬畏耶和华! 愿世上的居民都惧怕他!
9因为他说有,就有, 命立,就立。
10耶和华使列国的筹算归于无有, 使众民的思念无有功效。
11耶和华的筹算永远立定; 他心中的思念万代常存。
12以耶和华为神的,那国是有福的! 他所拣选为自己产业的,那民是有福的!
13耶和华从天上观看; 他看见一切的世人。
15他是那造成他们众人心的, 留意他们一切作为的。
16君王不能因兵多得胜; 勇士不能因力大得救。
17靠马得救是枉然的; 马也不能因力大救人。
18耶和华的眼目看顾敬畏他的人 和仰望他慈爱的人,
19要救他们的命脱离死亡, 并使他们在饥荒中存活。
20我们的心向来等候耶和华; 他是我们的帮助,我们的盾牌。
21我们的心必靠他欢喜, 因为我们向来倚靠他的圣名。
22耶和华啊,求你照着我们所仰望你的, 向我们施行慈爱! 

The Power Of God's Word

"He spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm." — Psalm 33:9

英语音频 English Audio

In their teaching about Scripture alone, the Reformers expressed confidence in the Bible's "efficacy." Because we seldom use this word in our conversations today, we can easily miss the Reformers' point. Efficacy means "the power or ability to produce the intended result."

About the power of the Bible, Martin Luther asked, "What appears to be more meaningless than a word?" Then he added, "Yet when God speaks a word, the thing that the word expresses immediately leaps to life." We see the power of God's word in the act of creation, "For he spoke and it came to be." We see it in God's "sustaining all things by his powerful word" (Hebrews 1:3). And only God's word has the resurrection power to bring all who are dead in their sins to life.

Have you heard God speaking to your heart through his Word, the Bible? If you have known God awhile, think about times when you read or heard God's Word and it sparked a change in you. Think about how God's Word produces beauty and life and blessing. Read God's Word, share it, study it, and ask him to plant it in your heart.

God spoke, and our world came into being. God still speaks through Scripture today, bringing us new life in him for his glory and for us to serve him in the world.


Thank you, Lord, for your creative, life-giving Word. Plant it in my heart and help me to share it with the world you love, so that we may be transformed and blessed for your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
