
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

从耶西的本必发一条,从他根生的枝子必结果实。” - 赛 11:1

  神的百姓忘记了神;他们忘记神呼召他们行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心与祂同行(弥迦书 6:8)。神为此感到悲痛,因为祂曾栽他们为“上等的葡萄树,全然是真种子”(耶利米书 2:21),并期望他们成长、兴旺,并完成祂在这世界的目的。但他们却变成外邦葡萄树的坏枝子。先知们曾发出警告说,将来必有严重后果,结果百姓被流放到巴比伦七十年之久,过着受欺压的生活。


  同样我们也渴望从自己罪的奴役中被拯救出来。 因此,我们既期望耶稣——这根枝子,这根从耶西的树墩里发出的新芽——的降生,也怀着盼望期待基督的第二次降临。我们等候神救恩应许的实现——到那时,神将为祂所厚爱的一切创造解开罪的枷锁,并永远与我们同住。



以马内利,恳求降临;救赎释放,属祢子民;沦落异邦,寂寞伤心。耶稣啊, 我渴望祢再来的那天,将我从罪恶和死亡中释放出来。奉祢的名祷告,阿们。


以赛亚书 11:1-9


A Shoot From A Stump

"A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit." — Isaiah 11:1

英语音频 English Audio

God's people had forgotten God; they had forgotten his call to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with him (Micah 6:8). God grieved at this because he had planted the people "like a choice vine of sound and reliable stock" (Jeremiah 2:21) and had expected them to grow and flourish and carry out his purposes in the world. But they had become wild and corrupt. The prophets warned that there would be consequences, and the people faced seventy long years of oppression in exile in Babylon.

But in the midst of this tragedy, Isaiah speaks the sweetest words of hope the people could hear. Though the family line of King David, son of Jesse, had been cut down to a stump, out of the deep, thick humus of human faith and suffering a tender new shoot would grow. This little green sprig would be a sign of something new springing from the old.

We, too, long for deliverance from oppression in our slavery to sin. So even as we anticipate the birth of Jesus the Branch, the new shoot from the stump of Jesse, we also anticipate, in hope, a second coming of Christ. We await the completion of God's promises of salvation—when God will free from sin's grip his well-loved creation and come to live with us forever.

Are you longing for that day?


O come, Emmanuel, and ransom your people, who mourn in lonely exile. We long for the day when you will come and set us free from sin and death forever. In your name, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
