
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“只是我告诉你们这听道的人,你们的仇敌要爱他,恨你们的要待他好。” - 路 6:27









路加福音 6:27-36

27 “只是我告诉你们这听道的人:你们的仇敌,要爱他;恨你们的,要待他好。
28 咒诅你们的,要为他祝福;凌辱你们的,要为他祷告。
29 有人打你这边的脸,连那边的脸也由他打;有人夺你的外衣,连里衣也由他拿去。
30 凡求你的,就给他;有人夺你的东西去,不用再要回来。
31 你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人。
32 你们若单爱那爱你们的人,有什么可酬谢的呢?就是罪人也爱那爱他们的人。
33 你们若善待那善待你们的人,有什么可酬谢的呢?就是罪人也是这样行。
34 你们若借给人,指望从他收回,有什么可酬谢的呢?就是罪人也借给罪人,要如数收回。
35 你们倒要爱仇敌,也要善待他们,并要借给人不指望偿还。你们的赏赐就必大了,你们也必做至高者的儿子,因为他恩待那忘恩的和作恶的。
36 你们要慈悲,像你们的父慈悲一样。

Love My Enemies?

“To you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” - Luke 6:27

英语音频 English Audio

This command sounds almost impossible. On top of that, these words of Jesus don’t have much appeal. Love your enemies? In most situations, hate or disdain are the more natural reactions we would have for enemies.

But, as Jesus points out, loving people who already love us is fairly easy. There’s a guaranteed return on our love investment when we love people who we know will love us back. He goes so far as to say, “Even sinners love those who love them.” So just loving the people who love us is not enough.

In other words, people who are going to follow the Lord have to step up their game. Three times Jesus mentions that even sinners doing the easy work of loving or helping others by expecting something in return. Jesus challenges us to show love that is radical and crazy by the world’s standards.

Do you really want to be children of God? Then love your enemies, recognizing they are worth the same amazing grace you and I have received from the Lord. And even more—pray for them too!

That’s hard to do, but it’s what Jesus demands of us. And he gives us the grace and strength to follow his commands.


Father God, may our minds no longer nurse our grudges and rehearse our scenes of hurt and pain, but focus on your grace granted to us in Jesus. May we experience your love as we strive to love our enemies as well as our friends. Help us to follow you, Lord. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
