
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“有一个撒玛利亚人,行路来到那里。看见他就动了慈心。” - 路 10:33











路加福音 10:25-37

25 有一个律法师起来试探耶稣,说:“夫子,我该做什么才可以承受永生?”
26 耶稣对他说:“律法上写的是什么?你念的是怎样呢?”
27 他回答说:“你要尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱主你的神,又要爱邻舍如同自己。”
28 耶稣说:“你回答的是。你这样行,就必得永生。”
29 那人要显明自己有理,就对耶稣说:“谁是我的邻舍呢?”
30 耶稣回答说:“有一个人从耶路撒冷下耶利哥去,落在强盗手中。他们剥去他的衣裳,把他打个半死,就丢下他走了。
31 偶然有一个祭司从这条路下来,看见他,就从那边过去了。
32 又有一个利未人来到这地方,看见他,也照样从那边过去了。
33 唯有一个撒马利亚人行路来到那里,看见他,就动了慈心,
34 上前用油和酒倒在他的伤处,包裹好了,扶他骑上自己的牲口,带到店里去照应他。
35 第二天拿出二钱银子来,交给店主说:‘你且照应他,此外所费用的,我回来必还你。’
36 你想,这三个人哪一个是落在强盗手中的邻舍呢?”
37 他说:“是怜悯他的。”耶稣说:“你去照样行吧。”

Learning From The Enemy

“A Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.” - Luke 10:33

英语音频 English Audio

A religion professor—an expert in the law of Moses and Israel—wanted to test Jesus. He asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” And then: “Who is my neighbor?”

Jesus responded by telling a story about a man, robbed and injured, who was ignored by the people’s religious leaders but helped by a Samaritan.

In Jesus’ day, the Jews despised Samaritans. They represented everything the Jewish people never wanted to be. Jews often avoided Samaria by traveling many miles out of the way so they wouldn’t have to come into contact with Samaritans.

In Jesus’ story, however, rather than passing by the injured man, the Samaritan showed compassion. He administered first aid. He brought the man to an inn where he could recuperate. He even paid the bill. Jesus made the despised enemy of the Jews the star in this story.

By this time, Jesus’ listeners—especially the religion expert—were informed of an error in their thinking. Jesus did not give them a mere definition of a neighbor; he showed them how a neighbor acted. Which of the three was a neighbor?

The religion teacher was forced to stop justifying himself by his intellect and degrees. He simply replied, “The one who had mercy.” And Jesus told him to go and act similarly.

Who is my neighbor? And who has been a neighbor to me?


Savior Jesus, help us to show your mercy and love to everyone, including the people we have despised as enemies. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
