
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶稣看见,便叫过她来......” - 路 13:12









路加福音 13:10-17

10 安息日,耶稣在会堂里教训人。
11 有一个女人被鬼附着,病了十八年,腰弯得一点直不起来。
12 耶稣看见,便叫过她来,对她说:“女人,你脱离这病了!”
13 于是用两只手按着她,她立刻直起腰来,就归荣耀于神。
14 管会堂的因为耶稣在安息日治病,就气愤愤地对众人说:“有六日应当做工,那六日之内可以来求医,在安息日却不可。”
15 主说:“假冒为善的人哪,难道你们各人在安息日不解开槽上的牛、驴,牵去饮吗?
16 况且这女人本是亚伯拉罕的后裔,被撒旦捆绑了这十八年,不当在安息日解开她的绑吗?”
17 耶稣说这话,他的敌人都惭愧了;众人因他所行一切荣耀的事,就都欢喜了。

He Saw Her

When Jesus saw her, he called her forward… - Luke 13:12

英语音频 English Audio

Everyone probably knew her as the bent-over woman. She came to worship at the synagogue regularly. But she was recognized by her condition, not her identity as a child of God or even by her name.

Her neighbors saw her through eyes of pity. The religious leaders saw her as an example of someone who was not right with God and deserved her plight. She came to the synagogue every Sabbath crippled with pain, bent over in shame, and thirsty for the living water of healing from God. Yet no one paid attention or really saw her.

For eighteen years the religious leaders failed to pray with her on the six days when they had every opportunity to anoint her with oil and pray for God’s healing. They were more focused on keeping their religious rules than seeing the need to bring a daughter of Israel before the mercy seat of God.

But Jesus saw her. When he called her forward, she might have thought he meant someone else. But Jesus was speaking to her, and she slowly shuffled toward him, who saw her as a prisoner in need of being set free from her burden.

Do we see people this way—burdened and distressed? Do we bring them to Jesus for healing? In what ways can you offer comfort and prayer for someone like that today?


Savior Jesus, so often we work hard to keep up appearances, and we sidestep opportunities for compassion. Forgive me and help me to show mercy to people in need. In your name, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
