
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶稣说,神的国,好像什么?我拿什么来比较呢?” - 路 13:18









路加福音 13:18-21

18 耶稣说:“神的国好像什么?我拿什么来比较呢?
19 好像一粒芥菜种,有人拿去种在园子里,长大成树,天上的飞鸟宿在它的枝上。”
20 又说:“我拿什么来比神的国呢?
21 好比面酵,有妇人拿来藏在三斗面里,直等全团都发起来。”

The Hidden Power Of God’s Grace

Jesus asked, “What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to?” - Luke 13:18

英语音频 English Audio

Jesus’ vision and the people’s vision were not the same. The people imagined the kingdom of God was more like their ancient kingdom of Israel under King David and his son Solomon. Or maybe even like the Roman Empire, which spread rapidly through its vast military might and also built great cities.

But Jesus focused his listeners on the tiny mustard seed, saying that this was what the kingdom of God was like. This probably shattered the dreams of instant success that so many of the people wanted.

Mustard?!—it was such a small, slow-growing seed! No doubt the people were scratching their heads as Jesus’ parable underwhelmed them.

Jesus was not trying to make a name for himself or to be a conquering king by the world’s standards. He taught that although God’s kingdom might seem to have insignificant beginnings, it grew with the subtle, hidden power of grace and love and would eventually spread throughout the earth.

Growth in grace may be a slow process, but the result is everlasting life with God in his kingdom, which is even greater than the cosmos. Kingdom grace involves a lifelong walk with the Master, who is always paying attention to your life and nudging you to pay attention to his life at work in you.


Dear Lord, I am not patient enough to trust the process of grace in my life. Help me to resist the appeal of quick results and to trust in you for growth each day. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
