
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“使徒对主说,求主加增我们的信心。” - 路 17:5









路加福音 17:1-10

1 耶稣又对门徒说:“绊倒人的事是免不了的,但那绊倒人的有祸了!
2 就是把磨石拴在这人的颈项上,丢在海里,还强如他把这小子里的一个绊倒了。
3 你们要谨慎!若是你的弟兄得罪你,就劝诫他。他若懊悔,就饶恕他。
4 倘若他一天七次得罪你,又七次回转,说:‘我懊悔了’,你总要饶恕他。”
5 使徒对主说:“求主加增我们的信心!”
6 主说:“你们若有信心像一粒芥菜种,就是对这棵桑树说:‘你要拔起根来,栽在海里!’,它也必听从你们。
7 你们谁有仆人耕地或是放羊,从田里回来,就对他说‘你快来坐下吃饭’呢?
8 岂不对他说‘你给我预备晚饭,束上带子伺候我,等我吃喝完了,你才可以吃喝’吗?
9 仆人照所吩咐的去做,主人还谢谢他吗?
10 这样,你们做完了一切所吩咐的,只当说:‘我们是无用的仆人,所做的本是我们应分做的。’”

Serving The Master

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” - Luke 17:5

英语音频 English Audio

The apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. They desired a big bowl of spiritually fortified faith that would make them into superdisciples.

Jesus surprised them by telling them that even small faith would enable them to do great things. He might have had a mustard seed in his hand as he pointed to the power of smallness in bringing his kingdom. Jesus gave them exactly what they asked for—he chose little seeds like them to grow the fields of new believers in him as Lord and Savior.

What were the disciples to do differently than the Pharisees to prepare for the faith work of Jesus?

In the culture of that day, there was no such thing as an eight-hour workday with two coffee breaks. Servants were constantly ready to be at the service of their master. Ambitious servants also tried to go above and beyond—to exceed expectations out of loyalty and love for their master. Jesus told his disciples to go beyond the bare minimum service to him as supreme master and Lord. He expected them to work tirelessly for the kingdom.

Followers of Jesus do not serve to get awards or accolades. Jesus’ disciples need to serve out of love and thankfulness to him. Serving God is a matter of grace alone. Grace and gratitude are part of the harvest in the kingdom of God.


Jesus, help us to see that you work with small things so that the glory goes to God alone. I want to serve you because you first loved me. Your grace is enough. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
