
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“人活着,不是单靠食物,乃是靠耶和华口里所出的一切话。” - 申8:3









申命记 8:1-3; 马太福音 4:1-7

2 你也要记念耶和华你的神在旷野引导你这四十年,是要苦炼你、试验你,要知道你心内如何,肯守他的诫命不肯。
3 他苦炼你,任你饥饿,将你和你列祖所不认识的吗哪赐给你吃,使你知道人活着不是单靠食物,乃是靠耶和华口里所出的一切话。
1 当时,耶稣被圣灵引到旷野,受魔鬼的试探。
2 他禁食四十昼夜,后来就饿了。
3 那试探人的进前来,对他说:“你若是神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物!”
4 耶稣却回答说:“经上记着说:‘人活着不是单靠食物,乃是靠神口里所出的一切话。’”
5 魔鬼就带他进了圣城,叫他站在殿顶[a]上,
6 对他说:“你若是神的儿子,可以跳下去!因为经上记着说:‘主要为你吩咐他的使者用手托着你,免得你的脚碰在石头上。’”
7 耶稣对他说:“经上又记着说:‘不可试探主你的神。’” 

The Food Of Fasting

Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. — Deuteronomy 8:3

英语音频 English Audio

Israel had spent forty years of fasting on manna and water in the desert, but Moses still had to teach them what that long fast was all about. In their wanderings they needed to know that every moment of their lives depended on God and his Word for them.

Israel had plenty to eat when they left Egypt, for they had taken their flocks and herds with them (Exodus 12:38). But the food that really kept them alive was the daily manna God spoke into existence, and the drink that really quenched their thirst was the water that God sweetened and the water that flowed from rocks split by his mighty Word (see Exodus 15:22-17:7).

When Israel left behind the food of Egypt and limited themselves to their own herds, that was not fasting. In the desert God’s people received a new menu: “every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.” In a nutshell it comes down to this: Love God with everything you have, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Fasting enables Christ’s disciples to eat from the new menu, the Word of God. Real fasting imitates the example of Christ, who did not give in to temptations to make his own food during his forty-day fast, who lived only by every word that comes from the mouth of God, and who repeatedly said: “It is written.”

Are you following Christ’s example today?


We thank you, Lord, for our daily bread. Help us to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
