
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“大卫的子孙耶稣啊,可怜我吧。” - 路 18:38








诗篇 146; 路加福音 18:35-43

1 你们要赞美耶和华!我的心哪,你要赞美耶和华!
2 我一生要赞美耶和华,我还活的时候要歌颂我的神。
3 你们不要倚靠君王,不要倚靠世人,他一点不能帮助。
4 他的气一断,就归回尘土,他所打算的当日就消灭了。
5 以雅各的神为帮助,仰望耶和华他神的,这人便为有福!
6 耶和华造天、地、海和其中的万物,他守诚实直到永远。
7 他为受屈的申冤,赐食物于饥饿的。耶和华释放被囚的,
8 耶和华开了瞎子的眼睛,耶和华扶起被压下的人,耶和华喜爱义人。
9 耶和华保护寄居的,扶持孤儿和寡妇,却使恶人的道路弯曲。
10 耶和华要做王直到永远,锡安哪,你的神要做王直到万代。你们要赞美耶和华!
35 耶稣将近耶利哥的时候,有一个瞎子坐在路旁讨饭。
36 听见许多人经过,就问是什么事。
37 他们告诉他,是拿撒勒人耶稣经过。
38 他就呼叫说:“大卫的子孙耶稣啊,可怜我吧!”
39 在前头走的人就责备他,不许他作声,他却越发喊叫说:“大卫的子孙,可怜我吧!”
40 耶稣站住,吩咐把他领过来。到了跟前,就问他说:
41 “你要我为你做什么?”他说:“主啊,我要能看见!”
42 耶稣说:“你可以看见!你的信救了你了。”
43 瞎子立刻看见了,就跟随耶稣,一路归荣耀于神。众人看见这事,也赞美神。 

Jesus Hears Our Cries

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” — Luke 18:38

英语音频 English Audio

When the blind man heard that Jesus of Nazareth was coming, he knew just who this teacher was. In contrast to the people of Jerusalem who had rejected God’s prophets, this outcast from Jericho called out to Jesus as the Son of David, the promised Messiah of God’s people. Attempts to silence him only increased his resolve. And, having heard his cries, Jesus commanded that the man be brought to him.

Giving sight to the blind is not carpenter’s work. Only the Creator who made heaven and earth and rules from Jerusalem can give sight to the blind. By having the blind man brought to him over the objections of many and granting the man’s request, Jesus lets everyone know that he is the Son of David — that is, the Messiah, the Son of God.

After the man receives his sight, he follows Jesus. He also does what any believer does when heaven comes to earth to heal them: he glorifies and praises God. And no one can stop him. When all the people see what has happened, they praise God too.

Today many who have received new life in Christ will gather together in worship to praise the Son of David, who has heard their cries. Come and join in with heart and voice in praise to the ruling King! Hear the good news proclaimed. Call on Jesus for mercy, that you may be made whole.


Thank you, Lord, for hearing my cry in the midst of opposing voices. In your mercy make me whole and grant me full life with you. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
