
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“叫你们在我国里,坐在我的席上吃喝...” - 路 22:30









诗篇 22:1-11; 路加福音 22:24-30

1 我的神!我的神!为什么离弃我?为什么远离不救我,不听我唉哼的言语?
2 我的神啊,我白日呼求,你不应允;夜间呼求,并不住声。
3 但你是圣洁的,是用以色列的赞美为宝座的。
4 我们的祖宗倚靠你,他们倚靠你,你便解救他们。
5 他们哀求你便蒙解救,他们倚靠你就不羞愧。
6 但我是虫,不是人,被众人羞辱,被百姓藐视。
7 凡看见我的都嗤笑我,他们撇嘴摇头,说:
8 “他把自己交托耶和华,耶和华可以救他吧!耶和华既喜悦他,可以搭救他吧!”
9 但你是叫我出母腹的,我在母怀里,你就使我有倚靠的心。
10 我自出母胎就被交在你手里,从我母亲生我,你就是我的神。
11 求你不要远离我,因为急难临近了,没有人帮助我。
24 门徒起了争论:他们中间哪一个可算为大。
25 耶稣说:“外邦人有君王为主治理他们,那掌权管他们的称为恩主。
26 但你们不可这样,你们里头为大的,倒要像年幼的;为首领的,倒要像服侍人的。
27 是谁为大?是坐席的呢,是服侍人的呢?不是坐席的大吗?然而,我在你们中间如同服侍人的。
28 我在磨炼之中,常和我同在的就是你们。
29 我将国赐给你们,正如我父赐给我一样,
30 叫你们在我国里坐在我的席上吃喝,并且坐在宝座上审判以色列十二个支派。” 

Seated At Jesus’ Table

“You may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom...” — Luke 22:30

英语音频 English Audio

Judas sat at the same table as his fellow disciples, ate the same bread, and drank the same wine. He may even have participated in the dispute about who was greatest. We don’t know. What we do know is that Judas would leave to betray Jesus and that the other disciples would sit on thrones of judgment.

In his betrayal of Jesus, Judas became great in the eyes of the chief priests and other leaders in Jerusalem (Luke 22:3-6). But the rule of Jerusalem was on the way out.

A new kingdom was emerging, strangely, through Jesus’ trials and betrayals. And as the Father had prepared a road of suffering for Jesus, now Jesus gave his followers a similar role in this emerging kingdom.

Like Jesus, the disciples would suffer trials and betrayals. And this troublesome road of suffering and self-denial, to which Jesus added the assignment to serve others, would end only when the kingdom will come in its fullness. Then all of Jesus’ followers will eat and drink at his table in his kingdom. Suffering and denying and fleeing will be no more.

Nor will there be any more betrayal, no more participating in heated discussions and judgments about right and wrong. Rather, God’s people will be ruled from a heavenly table over which presides the risen Lord and all whom he has saved to sit with him at that table. What a day that will be!


You are holy, Lord, enthroned on the praises of your people. In you we trust. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
