
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“他不在这里,照他所说的,已经复活了。” - 太 28:6

  今天,我们要再次思想复活节的故事。 过去几天里,我们专注在耶稣复活带给我们生命的喜乐上。而在接下来的几天,我们会专注在复活显出的神的大能,以及活在这种大能中意味着什么。



  这是深不可测的 ——如此的超越常理,以至于有些人始终不能接受。







马太福音 28:1-10

1 安息日将尽,七日的头一日天快亮的时候,抹大拉的马利亚和那个马利亚来看坟墓。
2 忽然,地大震动,因为有主的使者从天上下来,把石头滚开,坐在上面。
3 他的相貌如同闪电,衣服洁白如雪。
4 看守的人就因他吓得浑身乱战,甚至和死人一样。
5 天使对妇女说:“不要害怕!我知道你们是寻找那钉十字架的耶稣。
6 他不在这里,照他所说的,已经复活了。你们来看安放主的地方!
7 快去告诉他的门徒,说他从死里复活了,并且在你们以先往加利利去,在那里你们要见他。看哪,我已经告诉你们了!”
8 妇女们就急忙离开坟墓,又害怕又大大地欢喜,跑去要报给他的门徒。
9 忽然,耶稣遇见她们,说:“愿你们平安!”她们就上前抱住他的脚拜他。
10 耶稣对她们说:“不要害怕!你们去告诉我的弟兄,叫他们往加利利去,在那里必见我。”

Resurrection Power

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” — Matthew 28:6

英语音频 English Audio

Today we return our thoughts to the Easter story. For the past several days we have focused on the joy that Jesus’ resurrection brings into our lives. And now for the next several days we will focus on God’s power displayed through the resurrection and what it means to live in that power.

Think about this for a minute.

God raised Jesus back to life from the dead.

It’s almost unfathomable—so beyond normal that some people just cannot accept it.

But if we do accept it, if we have faith in the God who promises salvation and brings resurrection, as he said, and if we have entered into relationship with this God—then amazing power unfolds before us!

Amid all the chaos of the world around us, we cannot always see or understand how God is at work in our world. Claiming the resurrection power of God gives us confidence to know that God has things under control and continues to work all things for his glory and for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28). The power of the resurrection offers us the assurance and conviction that God is always faithful and keeps his promises with those who cling to him.

What a mighty God we serve!


God, your power is great and awesome. There is no one like you! Make our faith strong and our conviction sure as we seek to live in your power. In the risen Christ we pray. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
