
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“若是出于神,你们就不能败坏他们,恐怕你们倒是攻击神了。” - 徒 5:39









使徒行传 5:17-42

17 大祭司和他的一切同人,就是撒都该教门的人,都起来,满心忌恨,
18 就下手拿住使徒,收在外监。
19 但主的使者夜间开了监门,领他们出来,
20 说:“你们去站在殿里,把这生命的道都讲给百姓听。”
21 使徒听了这话,天将亮的时候就进殿里去教训人。大祭司和他的同人来了,叫齐公会的人和以色列族的众长老,就差人到监里去,要把使徒提出来。
22 但差役到了,不见他们在监里,就回来禀报说:
23 “我们看见监牢关得极妥当,看守的人也站在门外,及至开了门,里面一个人都不见。”
24 守殿官和祭司长听见这话,心里犯难,不知这事将来如何。
25 有一个人来禀报说:“你们收在监里的人,现在站在殿里教训百姓!”
26 于是守殿官和差役去带使徒来,并没有用强暴,因为怕百姓用石头打他们。
27 带到了,便叫使徒站在公会前。大祭司问他们说:
28 “我们不是严严地禁止你们,不可奉这名教训人吗?你们倒把你们的道理充满了耶路撒冷,想要叫这人的血归到我们身上!”
29 彼得和众使徒回答说:“顺从神不顺从人,是应当的。
30 你们挂在木头上杀害的耶稣,我们祖宗的神已经叫他复活。
31 神且用右手将他高举,叫他做君王、做救主,将悔改的心和赦罪的恩赐给以色列人。
32 我们为这事作见证,神赐给顺从之人的圣灵也为这事作见证。”
33 公会的人听见就极其恼怒,想要杀他们。
34 但有一个法利赛人名叫迦玛列,是众百姓所敬重的教法师,在公会中站起来,吩咐人把使徒暂且带到外面去,
35 就对众人说:“以色列人哪,论到这些人,你们应当小心怎样办理。
36 从前丢大起来,自夸为大,附从他的人约有四百。他被杀后,附从他的全都散了,归于无有。
37 此后,报名上册的时候,又有加利利的犹大起来,引诱些百姓跟从他。他也灭亡,附从他的人也都四散了。
38 现在我劝你们不要管这些人,任凭他们吧!他们所谋的、所行的,若是出于人,必要败坏;
39 若是出于神,你们就不能败坏他们,恐怕你们倒是攻击神了!”
40 公会的人听从了他,便叫使徒来,把他们打了,又吩咐他们不可奉耶稣的名讲道,就把他们释放了。
41 他们离开公会,心里欢喜,因被算是配为这名受辱。
42 他们就每日在殿里、在家里不住地教训人,传耶稣是基督。

“If It Is From God”

“But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” — Acts 5:39

英语音频 English Audio

The church faced trouble from within and without. As it grew in numbers and in ministry, there was jealousy from the religious rulers and teachers. It was hard to ignore what was happening, especially when the apostles were jailed one day and then they were found outside prison the next day, telling more people about new life in Jesus.

The guards checked all the doors and locks. They had no idea how the prisoners escaped. But the apostles knew they were released by an angel of the Lord and told to share the story of Jesus in the temple courts.

At the news that the apostles were still pointing people to Jesus, the religious leaders did not pause to reflect on the wonder of this release from prison. They did not want to understand what was happening. Instead, they were furious and wanted to kill the followers of Jesus.

Then a well-respected leader named Gamaliel stood up and spoke some words of caution and wisdom. There had been other groups that attracted a following, but over time, none of them amounted to anything. Gamaliel could see that if this new movement had no real foundation, it would fail. But if it came from God, there was no point in trying to fight God.

Gamaliel’s argument has prevailed. Today, 2,000 years later, it’s clear that the church is from God!


Dear God, we pray for the church everywhere. Dear Jesus, continue to build your church, day after day, and may we find our part in its story. In your name, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
