
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“神的道兴旺起来。在耶路撒冷门徒数目加增的甚多 ......。” - 徒 6:7









使徒行传 6:1-7

1 那时,门徒增多,有说希腊话的犹太人向希伯来人发怨言,因为在天天的供给上忽略了他们的寡妇。
2 十二使徒叫众门徒来,对他们说:“我们撇下神的道去管理饭食,原是不合宜的。
3 所以弟兄们,当从你们中间选出七个有好名声、被圣灵充满、智慧充足的人,我们就派他们管理这事。
4 但我们要专心以祈祷、传道为事。”
5 大众都喜悦这话,就拣选了司提反,乃是大有信心、圣灵充满的人;又拣选腓利、伯罗哥罗、尼迦挪、提门、巴米拿,并进犹太教的安提阿人尼哥拉。
6 叫他们站在使徒面前,使徒祷告了,就按手在他们头上。
7 神的道兴旺起来,在耶路撒冷门徒数目加增的甚多,也有许多祭司信从了这道。

A New Era Begins

So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly. . . . — Acts 6:7

英语音频 English Audio

The unity of the church can be threatened in many ways—even over the distribution of food. The church was growing as a “needs-meeting” community of faith. And that growth brought challenges, including the challenge of “overlooking.”

If we enter a room full of people, we usually look first for people we know. As a result, we can overlook others.

The followers of Jesus knew the Hebraic widows. They were the ones connected with families that they knew, or knew of. But the widows who came from Greek-speaking Jewish families were relatively unknown. So in the daily distribution of food, many of them went unnoticed—and unfed.

As tensions rose, the potential for church division along ethnic lines grew. So the apostles called everyone together to address this need. The apostles would remain focused on prayer and the ministry of the Word of God. Seven others would serve the needy, and it’s clear from the names of these seven leaders that they were from a Greek background. So the church’s unity was restored, and its story continued.

The church is still threatened if we overlook others because of ethnicity, gender, economics, or other characteristics today. May God give us eyes to see so that the story of his church continues, to his praise and glory!


Lord of the church, may we always remember that it is your church, not ours. Help us to live as your witnesses. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
