
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“我靠主耶稣指望快打发提摩太去见你们,叫我知道你们的事,心里就得着安慰。” - 腓 2:19








腓立比书 2:19-24

19 我靠主耶稣指望快打发提摩太去见你们,叫我知道你们的事,心里就得着安慰。
20 因为我没有别人与我同心,实在挂念你们的事。
21 别人都求自己的事,并不求耶稣基督的事。
22 但你们知道提摩太的明证,他兴旺福音与我同劳,待我像儿子待父亲一样。
23 所以,我一看出我的事要怎样了结,就盼望立刻打发他去;
24 但我靠着主,自信我也必快去。


"I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you." — Philippians 2:19

英语音频 English Audio

Paul has been shifting back and forth about whether he might soon die or be able to visit Philippi again. A person in prison could easily lose confidence about being released.

So, in the meantime, Paul planned to send the young pastor Timothy. Paul’s confidence in Timothy was sky high. Speaking of Timothy as a spiritual son, Paul praised the younger man’s devotion to Christ. Not only would Timothy do good work in building up the Philippian church, but he would also be able to warm Paul’s heart by bringing back news about the congregation.

As Bible passages go, this one might look less important than many other texts. The comments here can seem like housekeeping details.

Yet even such everyday matters are vital. We all need pastors. We all need elders who will encourage our devotion to Christ. Church council meetings, committees, producing the weekly bulletin: these are the ordinary activities of the church and may not seem terribly important.

But housekeeping details keep the church on track and help it fulfill its Great Commission. God is in the details. There are no ordinary acts of Christian service. All things are holy when we do them for the Lord!


In all that we do for your church, O God, whether we are in the spotlight or behind the scenes, help us to honor you and to discern how best to serve you. Increase your kingdom, Lord. In Christ, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
