
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“‘有许多在前的,将要在后;在后的,将要在前。’” – 可 10:31








马可福音 10:23-31

23 耶稣周围一看,对门徒说:“有钱财的人进神的国是何等地难哪!”
24 门徒稀奇他的话。耶稣又对他们说:“小子,倚靠钱财的人进神的国是何等地难哪!
25 骆驼穿过针的眼,比财主进神的国还容易呢!”
26 门徒就分外稀奇,对他说:“这样谁能得救呢?”
27 耶稣看着他们说:“在人是不能,在神却不然,因为神凡事都能。”
28 彼得就对他说:“看哪,我们已经撇下所有的跟从你了!”
29 耶稣说:“我实在告诉你们:人为我和福音撇下房屋或是弟兄、姐妹、父母、儿女、田地,
30 没有不在今世得百倍的,就是房屋、弟兄、姐妹、母亲、儿女、田地,并且要受逼迫;在来世必得永生。
31 然而,有许多在前的将要在后,在后的将要在前。”


“Many who are first will be last, and the last first.” — Mark 10:31

英语音频 English Audio

I haven’t won many awards. I’m not especially gifted at anything that might earn me an award or a trophy. I coached a middle school team a few years back, and we won some tournaments. That was great, but no “coach of the year” trophy came with it—and that’s fine with me.

Winning can be a thrill, though. It’s a pretty big thing for most people—and many of us are so competitive that we feel we just have to win. That’s why today’s verse is so countercultural. The first will be last, and the last first? That doesn’t make sense. No one competes for the goal of being last. No one remembers the ones who come in last. But maybe that’s the point.

The economy of the gospel isn’t like everything else. Good looks and megatalent don’t earn anything. In fact, very little that we value in this world—from wealth and prestige to power and position—means anything when it comes to following Jesus. At times, our stuff and accomplishments can even get in the way of following Jesus.

Think of it this way: when we realize that the things we often rely on don’t actually gain us anything, we find ourselves in a place where we are ready to rely on Jesus. We realize that everything good we have and all we have accomplished is a gift from God. And we are ready to share it with others, rather than holding on to it for ourselves. With love and generosity and making room for people, putting others ahead of ourselves, we begin to follow and act like Jesus.


Lord, help us to realize we rely on you for everything. May we follow your example and live for you. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
