
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“你摆设筵席,倒要请那贫穷的,残废的,瘸腿的,瞎眼的,你就有福了。” - 路 14:13









路加福音 14:1-14

1 安息日,耶稣到一个法利赛人的首领家里去吃饭,他们就窥探他。
2 在他面前有一个患水臌的人。
3 耶稣对律法师和法利赛人说:“安息日治病可以不可以?”
4 他们却不言语。耶稣就治好那人,叫他走了。
5 便对他们说:“你们中间谁有驴或有牛在安息日掉在井里,不立时拉它上来呢?”
6 他们不能对答这话。
7 耶稣见所请的客拣择首位,就用比喻对他们说:
8 “你被人请去赴婚姻的筵席,不要坐在首位上,恐怕有比你尊贵的客被他请来,
9 那请你们的人前来对你说:‘让座给这一位吧!’你就羞羞惭惭地退到末位上去了。
10 你被请的时候,就去坐在末位上,好叫那请你的人来对你说:‘朋友,请上坐!’那时,你在同席的人面前就有光彩了。
11 因为凡自高的,必降为卑;自卑的,必升为高。”
12 耶稣又对请他的人说:“你摆设午饭或晚饭,不要请你的朋友、弟兄、亲属和富足的邻舍,恐怕他们也请你,你就得了报答。
13 你摆设筵席,倒要请那贫穷的、残废的、瘸腿的、瞎眼的,你就有福了!
14 因为他们没有什么可报答你。到义人复活的时候,你要得着报答。”  

Selfless Generosity

“When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed.” — Luke 14:13-14

英语音频 English Audio

Do you know what a quid pro quo mindset is? It means “I will do something for you that equals the value of what you do for me.” Jesus has a dramatically different picture in mind when he talks about hospitality.

When we think of throwing a party, we tend to include people we like and who are like us. But Jesus presses us to reach out toward the fringes of community life. This kind of outreaching love and care is what distinguished the early church from its surrounding environment.

Two attitudes that are vital to Christian character are generosity and humility. Nurturing both in your life helps guard against a destructive and blinding mindset that ignores the needs and circumstances of others around us. Something as ordinary as sharing a meal is an expression of respect and equality. It includes sharing not just our resources but also ourselves, and it speaks loudly to our values and commitments.

We are all recipients of God’s grace and provision. We are all guests at his table, and God, our Host, is abundantly generous. Look for opportunities to be outrageously generous to people who least expect it and who are least able to reciprocate. A sign of humility involves wanting to help others when you would gain nothing from it.

How can you go out of your way to bless someone today?


Jesus, as we have generously received your good gifts, help us to pursue opportunities to be generous to others in our gratitude to you. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
