
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“妇人对以利亚说,现在我知道你是神人,耶和华借你口所说的话是真的。” - 王上 17:24








列王纪上 17:7-24

7 过了些日子,溪水就干了,因为雨没有下在地上。
8 耶和华的话临到他说:
9 “你起身往西顿的撒勒法去,住在那里。我已吩咐那里的一个寡妇供养你。”
10 以利亚就起身往撒勒法去。到了城门,见有一个寡妇在那里捡柴,以利亚呼叫她说:“求你用器皿取点水来给我喝。”
11 她去取水的时候,以利亚又呼叫她说:“也求你拿点饼来给我。”
12 她说:“我指着永生耶和华你的神起誓,我没有饼,坛内只有一把面,瓶里只有一点油。我现在找两根柴,回家要为我和我儿子做饼,我们吃了,死就死吧。”
13 以利亚对她说:“不要惧怕。可以照你所说的去做吧,只要先为我做一个小饼拿来给我,然后为你和你的儿子做饼,
14 因为耶和华以色列的神如此说:‘坛内的面必不减少,瓶里的油必不缺短,直到耶和华使雨降在地上的日子。’”
15 妇人就照以利亚的话去行。她和她家中的人并以利亚,吃了许多日子。
16 坛内的面果不减少,瓶里的油也不缺短,正如耶和华藉以利亚所说的话。
17 这事以后,做那家主母的妇人她儿子病了,病得甚重,以致身无气息。
18 妇人对以利亚说:“神人哪,我与你何干?你竟到我这里来,使神想念我的罪,以致我的儿子死呢?”
19 以利亚对她说:“把你儿子交给我。”以利亚就从妇人怀中将孩子接过来,抱到他所住的楼中,放在自己的床上,
20 就求告耶和华说:“耶和华我的神啊,我寄居在这寡妇的家里,你就降祸于她,使她的儿子死了吗?”
21 以利亚三次伏在孩子的身上,求告耶和华说:“耶和华我的神啊,求你使这孩子的灵魂仍入他的身体!”
22 耶和华应允以利亚的话,孩子的灵魂仍入他的身体,他就活了。
23 以利亚将孩子从楼上抱下来,进屋子交给他母亲,说:“看哪,你的儿子活了。”
24 妇人对以利亚说:“现在我知道你是神人,耶和华藉你口所说的话是真的。”  

Living And Receiving The Gospel

The woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth.” — 1 Kings 17:24

英语音频 English Audio

I find it amazing that of all the places God could send Elijah, he sent the prophet to a widow in Zarephath. It was probably surprising to Elijah too. God had sent him out of Israel, the land of his people. This caused Elijah to depend on the hospitality of an outsider.

God directed this widow to supply Elijah with food, and yet she herself was very poor. In several ways—being a widow, poor, and from a land outside Israel—she was one of the last people we might expect to be chosen as a host for a prophet of the Lord. From the story, it sounds like she wasn’t a follower of God either.

In our focus on religion, we often gauge success on the basis of performance: How often do you pray to God? Do you follow the teachings of God’s Word? Do you worship God faithfully? In this story, however, the God of grace uses someone who is foreign to all of those ideas. That’s what makes grace so amazing—we can do nothing to earn it.

God goes to the outsider. He goes to people who are on the margins. The widow and Elijah are both blessed by each other’s presence and help. There’s no place for superiority or inferiority. It is through embracing the other that grace can be mutually experienced. When we follow God’s direction, we not only share his grace with others but also receive it.


God of grace, we want to know who you truly are. Guide our living so that we not only share the grace you give but also receive it. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
