
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“对他们说,行路的时候,不要带拐杖,和口袋,不要带食物,和银子,也不要带两件褂子。” - 路 9:3







路加福音 9:1-9

1 耶稣叫齐了十二个门徒,给他们能力、权柄制伏一切的鬼,医治各样的病,
2 又差遣他们去宣传神国的道、医治病人,
3 对他们说:“行路的时候不要带拐杖和口袋,不要带食物和银子,也不要带两件褂子。
4 无论进哪一家,就住在那里,也从那里起行。
5 凡不接待你们的,你们离开那城的时候,要把脚上的尘土跺下去,见证他们的不是。”
6 门徒就出去,走遍各乡宣传福音,到处治病。
7 分封的王希律听见耶稣所做的一切事,就游移不定,因为有人说是约翰从死里复活,
8 又有人说是以利亚显现,还有人说是古时的一个先知又活了。
9 希律说:“约翰我已经斩了,这却是什么人,我竟听见他这样的事呢?”就想要见他。  

The Gospel In Word And Deed

He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt.” — Luke 9:3

英语音频 English Audio

God has called you for a mission, and he has equipped you with everything you need to carry it out.

When Jesus called the disciples, he gave them all they needed to minister on his behalf in the towns and villages. He enabled them to preach the kingdom of God and heal people everywhere. There was no need to bring anything else along to complete that mission. He sent them with instructions to accept people’s hospitality as God’s provision for them. They were to stay with people who received them, developing relationships and being content with what they were given. But if rejection happened, they were to move on, warning people about rejecting the truth. They had to move on because time was short and the mission was great.

Jesus’ ministry is still about word and deed. We have been empowered to serve in these critical areas. The message is powerful, and our words must be spoken with acts of compassion for a world that needs to hear the good news. But to teach that God loves sinners means little if we do not also show God’s love by helping to meet human needs.

We have all that we need to fulfill our calling as Christ-followers. Let’s be faithful in sharing his message with words and actions. And let’s trust the results to the powerful work of the Holy Spirit.


Father, make us passionate about the mission you have given us. Guide us to be faithful with the good news and the new life you have given us, sharing your love with others. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
