
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“所以你们要彼此接纳,如同基督接纳你们一样,使荣耀归与神。” - 罗 15:7









罗马书 15:1-7;歌罗西书 3:12-14

1 我们坚固的人,应该担代不坚固人的软弱,不求自己的喜悦。
2 我们各人务要叫邻舍喜悦,使他得益处,建立德行。
3 因为基督也不求自己的喜悦,如经上所记:“辱骂你人的辱骂都落在我身上。”
4 从前所写的圣经都是为教训我们写的,叫我们因圣经所生的忍耐和安慰,可以得着盼望。
5 但愿赐忍耐、安慰的神叫你们彼此同心,效法基督耶稣,
6 一心一口荣耀神我们主耶稣基督的父!
7 所以,你们要彼此接纳,如同基督接纳你们一样,使荣耀归于神。
12 所以,你们既是神的选民、圣洁蒙爱的人,就要存怜悯、恩慈、谦虚、温柔、忍耐的心。
13 倘若这人与那人有嫌隙,总要彼此包容,彼此饶恕;主怎样饶恕了你们,你们也要怎样饶恕人。
14 在这一切之外,要存着爱心,爱心就是联络全德的。  

Graceful Working Together

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. — Romans 15:7

英语音频 English Audio

If we are serious about living a life of Christian faith, we must keep in mind how our actions affect others. We cannot grow in faith all by ourselves; nor may we forget to tend to the well-being of others. Even if we have broad diversity, there can be unity when our shared focus and purpose are about loving God and neighbor. Mutual hospitality is a vital part of building unity as God’s people.

We build unity when we look out for one another. This means we are to help others out, even when it might not be convenient. Paul speaks directly to believers who are “strong,” including himself in that grouping, because those who consider themselves “strong” can easily be tempted to look down on others who are not like them.

Going even further, Paul says we are to accept one another just as Christ has accepted us. How did Christ accept each one of us? He accepted us with plenty of faults.

We have all experienced being let down by other people, and we have all been guilty of letting others down. Paul also reminds us that we are to forgive just as we have been forgiven. And he urges us to put on the virtue of love because that is what binds us together in perfect unity.

In what ways can you share God’s love to help build unity?


Gracious God, we confess that our tolerance for others can be lacking. Unite us as your people and make us gracious toward others just as you have been gracious to us. In Jesus, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
