
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“靠你有力量、心中想往锡安大道的,这人便为有福。” - 诗 84:5



在旧约圣经中,神与人同在最为明显的,就是在圣殿中 - 诗篇84篇中以满有诗意的“耶和华的院宇”来描述这个地方。圣殿是神的“居所,”是所有往耶路撒冷朝圣的人的目的地。

留意诗人怎样形容“心中想往锡安大道”的人;这句话强调祷告的精髓和美妙,它说明我们活在新约时代的信徒,今天如何能经历到神的同在。耶稣已经为我们偿还了罪债,又为我们打开了通往神那里的道路,所以,神现今便藉着住在我们里面的圣灵与祂的子民同在;因此,现在每一位基督徒都是圣灵的殿了(哥林多前书 6:19),无论何时何地,我们也能藉着祷告经历神的同在;神亲自来到我们中间,祂就住在我们的心间,和我们非常接近。我们只需要藉祷告到祂那里,便能与祂相会,并越来越接近祂了。




诗篇 84

1 万军之耶和华啊,你的居所何等可爱!
2 我羡慕渴想耶和华的院宇,我的心肠、我的肉体向永生神呼吁 。
3 万军之耶和华,我的王我的神啊,在你祭坛那里,麻雀为自己找着房屋,燕子为自己找着抱雏之窝。
4 如此住在你殿中的,便为有福!他们仍要赞美你。(细拉)
5 靠你有力量,心中想往锡安大道的,这人便为有福!
6 他们经过流泪谷,叫这谷变为泉源之地,并有秋雨之福盖满了全谷。
7 他们行走,力上加力,各人到锡安朝见神。 8 耶和华万军之神啊,求你听我的祷告!雅各的神啊,求你留心听!(细拉)
9 神啊,你是我们的盾牌,求你垂顾观看你受膏者的面。
10 在你的院宇住一日,胜似在别处住千日。宁可在我神殿中看门,不愿住在恶人的帐篷里。
11 因为耶和华神是日头,是盾牌,要赐下恩惠和荣耀,他未尝留下一样好处,不给那些行动正直的人。
12 万军之耶和华啊,倚靠你的人便为有福!  

What Is Prayer?

"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage." — Psalm 84:5

英语音频 English Audio

This month we are going to explore the mystery and majesty of prayer. At first we might think of prayer as mainly "communicating with God." That's a good start, but there's much more to it.

At its core, prayer involves an ever-deepening relationship with God. Prayer cultivates a deep desire for God, the kind of longing for God that Psalm 84 expresses so well. Through prayer we are able to actually experience the presence of God.

In the Old Testament, God's presence was most evident at the temple—the "courts of the LORD" poetically described in Psalm 84. The temple was God's "dwelling place," the destination of all who traveled on pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Notice that the psalmist describes people whose "hearts are set on pilgrimage." This highlights the essence of prayer and the beauty of how we as New Testament believers experience God's presence today. Because Jesus has paid the price for our sin and has opened the way for us into God's presence, God is now present with his people through his Holy Spirit living in us. As a result, every Christian is now a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). So we can experience God's presence through prayer anywhere and at any time. God has come to us. He is as close as our own hearts. To meet with God and grow closer to him, all we need to do is approach him in prayer.


Thank you, Lord, for the incredible gift of prayer. Make our hearts your dwelling place, filling us with your presence and guiding us always. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
