
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“凡被神的灵引导的,都是神的儿子。… 我们呼叫:‘阿爸,父!’”- 罗 8:14-15


神的儿子耶稣祷告时,就是这样称呼祂的父亲的(马可福音 14:36),祂这样称呼神,一点也不出奇,然而,最令人难以置信的,就是我们也可以这样对神说话,就如罗马书8章所说的,藉着神的灵,我们呼叫“阿爸。”


值得我们留意的,就是在圣经的记载中,耶稣在祷告中称祂的父亲为阿爸的那一次,就是在祂死前的那一个晚上;孤单害怕的耶稣,向祂的阿爸呼求。希伯来书的作者描述耶稣“大声哀哭,流泪祷告”和“因他的虔诚蒙了应允”(希伯来书 5:7)时,大概是想起那个晚上的事有感而发的。圣父垂听了圣子的祷告。





罗马书 8:12-17


Talking To Our Abba

"Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.... And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.'" — Romans 8:14-15

英语音频 English Audio

As we reflect on how the Trinity shapes our understanding and practice of prayer, let's consider what it means to call God Abba. Abba is the Aramaic word for "father." Jesus spoke Aramaic, and Abba was perhaps one of the first words he learned as a child. The equivalent of Abba in English and several other languages would be "Dada," "Daddy," or "Papa."

Jesus, the Son of God, referred to his Father this way in prayer (Mark 14:36), and that should not surprise us. What's truly incredible is that we may also speak to God this way. As Romans 8 puts it, by the Spirit of God we cry, "Abba."

This name for God assures us of God's loving attentiveness to our prayers. It conveys both the tenderness and security of our relationship with God, our heavenly Father.

It's interesting that the one time the Bible records Jesus calling his Father Abba in prayer is on the night before he died. Frightened and alone, Jesus cried out to his Abba. The writer of Hebrews probably had this episode in mind when he wrote that Jesus prayed "with fervent cries and tears" and that "he was heard because of his reverent submission" (Hebrews 5:7). The Father heard the Son.

Because of the Lord's obedience, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, the one whom Jesus called Abba is our Abba too.


Abba, Father, it's wonderful to know that I am your child. Thank you for loving me and for promising to hear me when I pray. For Jesus' sake, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
