
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“凡敬畏神的人,你们都来听!我要述说他为我所行的事。”- 诗 66:16




在我们的祷告生活中,感恩的心是可以沿着很多路径增长的。神极其仁慈和丰盛,我们在雅各书 1:17可以看到:“各样美善的恩赐和各样全备的赏赐都是从上头来的,从 … 父那里降下来的。”这位赐下厚厚恩惠的神,是最配得我们深深谢意的。




诗篇 66

1 全地都当向神欢呼!
2 歌颂他名的荣耀,用赞美的言语将他的荣耀发明!
3 当对神说:“你的作为何等可畏!因你的大能,仇敌要投降你。
4 全地要敬拜你,歌颂你,要歌颂你的名。”(细拉)
5 你们来看神所行的,他向世人所做之事是可畏的。
6 他将海变成干地,众民步行过河,我们在那里因他欢喜。
7 他用权能治理万民直到永远,他的眼睛鉴察列邦,悖逆的人不可自高。(细拉)
8 万民哪,你们当称颂我们的神,使人得听赞美他的声音。
9 他使我们的性命存活,也不叫我们的脚摇动。
10 神啊,你曾试验我们,熬炼我们如熬炼银子一样。
11 你使我们进入网罗,把重担放在我们的身上。
12 你使人坐车轧我们的头,我们经过水火,你却使我们到丰富之地。
13 我要用燔祭进你的殿,向你还我的愿,
14 就是在急难时我嘴唇所发的,口中所许的。
15 我要把肥牛做燔祭,将公羊的香祭献给你,又把公牛和山羊献上。(细拉)
16 凡敬畏神的人,你们都来听,我要述说他为我所行的事。
17 我曾用口求告他,我的舌头也称他为高。
18 我若心里注重罪孽,主必不听。
19 但神实在听见了,他侧耳听了我祷告的声音。
20 神是应当称颂的!他并没有推却我的祷告,也没有叫他的慈爱离开我。  

Thanksgiving, Gratitude

"Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me." — Psalm 66:16

英语音频 English Audio

Quite often, we are led to give thanks after giving honor and adoration to God in our prayers. We give thanks for the amazing things God has done—for this world, for his people, and for us in our personal lives.

Notice how Psalm 66 moves from adoration to thanksgiving. In the first four verses the psalmist declares how awesome and glorious God is. Then in verse 5 we see a transition to "come and see what God has done." From this point on, the psalm reads like an inventory of God's gifts and amazing help. The psalmist describes how God saves and watches over his people, even in the context of trouble and disappointment, and the psalmist shares what God has done for him personally as well.

Psalm 66 teaches us the value of being specific when we give thanks to God. Many people like to keep a prayer journal that helps them pay attention to what God is doing in their lives. They keep a running list of God's blessings and work for them, and they review their list in thanksgiving to God.

In our prayer life, gratitude can grow in many ways. God is incredibly gracious and generous. As we read in James 1:17, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father. . . ." The one who gives so abundantly is most worthy to receive our abundant thanks.


Lord, how I can ever thank you enough for all the blessings I receive from you? Help me to be thankful and to use your gifts to enrich the lives of others. In Jesus' name, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
