
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶和华啊,这到几时呢?你要动怒到永远吗? … 拯救我的神啊,求你因你的名的荣耀帮助我们。”- 诗 79:5, 9

耶稣教导我们祷告说:“愿你的国降临”(路加福音 11:2),这句祷文提醒我们,我们活着的世代需要神国度中的良善和完全;看到这个极为破碎的世界,我们知道,要等到神的国度最终降临时,它才能得到完全的拯救。








诗篇 79

1 神啊,外邦人进入你的产业,污秽你的圣殿,使耶路撒冷变成荒堆,
2 把你仆人的尸首交于天空的飞鸟为食,把你圣民的肉交于地上的野兽,
3 在耶路撒冷周围流他们的血如水,无人葬埋。
4 我们成为邻国的羞辱,成为我们四围人的嗤笑讥刺。
5 耶和华啊,这到几时呢?你要动怒到永远吗?你的愤恨要如火焚烧吗?
6 愿你将你的愤怒倒在那不认识你的外邦,和那不求告你名的国度,
7 因为他们吞了雅各,把他的住处变为荒场。
8 求你不要记念我们先祖的罪孽,向我们追讨。愿你的慈悲快迎着我们,因为我们落到极卑微的地步!
9 拯救我们的神啊,求你因你名的荣耀帮助我们,为你名的缘故搭救我们,赦免我们的罪。
10 为何容外邦人说:“他们的神在哪里呢?”愿你使外邦人知道你在我们眼前,申你仆人流血的冤。
11 愿被囚之人的叹息达到你面前,愿你按你的大能力存留那些将要死的人。
12 主啊,愿你将我们邻邦所羞辱你的羞辱加七倍归到他们身上。
13 这样,你的民,你草场的羊,要称谢你直到永远,要述说赞美你的话直到万代。  


"How long, LORD? Will you be angry forever?... Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of your name. . . ." — Psalm 79:5, 9

英语音频 English Audio

Jesus taught us to pray, "Your kingdom come" (Luke 11:2), and this reminds us that the world we live in needs the refreshing goodness and wholeness of God's kingdom. As we recognize that the world is profoundly broken, we know that its ultimate healing will occur only when the fullness of God's kingdom has finally come.

Today, millions of people recall the terrorist attacks that took place in the United States 17 years ago. The events of 9/11 and all other examples of violence, injustice, and suffering bring us to lament. In desperation we cry out, "How long, LORD?" We implore God to do something, to punish evildoers and to defend all who suffer as innocent victims.

We also go a step further in our lament. We remind God of the promises he has made, and we dare to call him to account to keep those promises, in line with his character. We cry out to the God who is all powerful and who in divine humility permits us to speak with such boldness in prayer.

That's what we do when we pray, "Your kingdom come."

If you are hurting, or if the brokenness of the world has moved you to lament, take heart. Prayers of lament are also prayers of hope as we anticipate the completion of God's kingdom promises. Our prayers play an important role in the coming of his kingdom!


Lord, the pain of life in this broken world leads us to cry out to you for help. Lord, heal our hurts. Lord, bring your kingdom. Lord, be our peace. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
