
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“你们要靠着主,倚赖他的大能大力,作刚强的人。… 靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求。” - 弗6:10, 18

耶稣教导我们祷告说:“不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶”(马太福音 6:13)。如果这句话令你感到困惑,以致你怀疑究竟谁在试探人,你大可以放心,因为神“不试探人”(雅各书 1:13)。耶稣的祷告的意思是:“不要引领我们进入试炼 …”和“在我们受试探时保护我们 …”(参看诗篇 31:3-4)。







以弗所书 6:10-20

10 我还有末了的话,你们要靠着主,倚赖他的大能大力做刚强的人。
11 要穿戴神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。
12 因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。
13 所以,要拿起神所赐的全副军装,好在磨难的日子抵挡仇敌;并且成就了一切,还能站立得住。
14 所以要站稳了,用真理当做带子束腰,用公义当做护心镜遮胸,
15 又用平安的福音当做预备走路的鞋穿在脚上。
16 此外,又拿着信德当做藤牌,可以灭尽那恶者一切的火箭;
17 并戴上救恩的头盔,拿着圣灵的宝剑,就是神的道。
18 靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求,并要在此警醒不倦,为众圣徒祈求;
19 也为我祈求,使我得着口才,能以放胆开口讲明福音的奥秘——
20 我为这福音的奥秘做了戴锁链的使者——并使我照着当尽的本分放胆讲论。

Prayer And Spiritual Warfare

"Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.... Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." — Ephesians 6:10, 18

英语音频 English Audio

Jesus taught us to pray, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" (Matthew 6:13). If this seems confusing, making you wonder who is doing the tempting, be assured that God "does not tempt anyone" (James 1:13). These words in Jesus' prayer mean, "Do not bring us to times of trial . . ." and "Protect us when we are tempted. . . ." (See also Psalm 31:3-4.)

Temptation is the work of the devil, Satan. We read in Matthew 4:1 that when Jesus was in the wilderness, he was "tempted by the devil." But it's important to note that in the same verse we find that Jesus was "led by the Spirit into the wilderness."

The activity of Satan and the Holy Spirit here can seem confusing, but here's a helpful way to look at it. Satan tempts, but God tests. When we are tempted, the only way we can pass the test of temptation is by recognizing our weakness and leaning on the Lord's strength.

This is why prayer is such an important weapon in spiritual warfare. We are defenseless without it. Through prayer we remain connected with God, who equips us for battle and enables us to resist temptation. The Lord who conquered sin shares his victory with us! The power of sin has been defeated by the One who has delivered us from evil, and he is also the One who has taught us to pray.


Lord, I am powerless to resist temptation apart from you. Thank you for being my strength, my wisdom, and my deliverer. Keep me faithful in prayer. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
