
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“我将我的灵魂交在你手里。” - 诗 31:5



另一方面,我们想到晚上的时间,我们祈求神在我们睡眠时保护我们。我们知道我们的软弱和我们需要倚靠神,所以我们要靠赖衪细心的看顾:“保护你的必不打盹”(诗篇 121:3)。

以上这两点,诗篇31篇都有提到,在这里,我们不但看到一个赦罪的祷告,我们更看到诗人表达他对神的信靠。有人曾说过,“我将我的灵魂交在你手里”这句话,是犹太父母教导儿女在睡前诵念的祷告,这句话也是耶稣在十字架上濒临死亡时的祷告(路加福音 23:46),当祂闭上眼睛在死亡中安息时,就把自己交托给神。





诗篇 31:1-5

1 耶和华啊,我投靠你,求你使我永不羞愧,凭你的公义搭救我。
2 求你侧耳而听,快快救我,做我坚固的磐石、拯救我的保障。
3 因为你是我的岩石,我的山寨,所以求你为你名的缘故,引导我,指点我。
4 求你救我脱离人为我暗设的网罗,因为你是我的保障。
5 我将我的灵魂交在你手里,耶和华诚实的神啊,你救赎了我!  

Evening Prayer

"Into your hands I commit my spirit." — Psalm 31:5

英语音频 English Audio

Yesterday we reflected on the importance of starting each day with prayer. Today we'll look at how valuable it is to pray at the end of the day.

Evening prayer has a dual focus. On the one hand, we look back on the events of the day with gratitude and confession. We thank God for his abundant goodness, and we ask forgiveness for the sins we have committed that day.

On the other hand, we look ahead to the nighttime and ask God to protect us as we sleep. As we recognize our vulnerability and dependence on God, we entrust ourselves to his watchful care: "He who watches over you will not slumber" (Psalm 121:3).

Psalm 31 includes both of these elements. Here we find a prayer for deliverance as well as an expression of trust. It's been said that the words "Into your hands I commit my spirit" served as a bedtime prayer that Jewish parents taught their children. It's the prayer Jesus spoke just before dying on the cross (Luke 23:46). As he closed his eyes in the sleep of death, he placed his trust in God.

Because of Jesus, we have the assurance of forgiveness and the certainty of God's watchful love. So before you sleep, talk to the Lord. Thank him for his grace, and place your fragile life in his strong hands.


At the end of the day I pray to you, Lord. Thank you for taking care of me and forgiving me. You are my God, and I am your child. I trust in you. For Jesus' sake, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
