
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“在基列岂没有乳香呢?在那里岂没有医生呢?我百姓为何不得痊愈呢?” - 耶 8:22


先知以赛亚和耶利米亲眼目睹了来自北方的入侵势力亚述和巴比伦毁灭了以色列和耶路撒冷。自所罗门时代起,百姓就因敬拜别神而受到惩罚。但他们不肯悔改。以赛亚说:“嗐,犯罪的国民,担着罪孽的百姓...他们离弃耶和华,藐视以色列的圣者...你们为什么屡次悖逆,还要受责打吗?你们已经满头疼痛,全心发昏。从脚掌到头顶,没有一处完全的。尽是伤口,青肿,与新打的伤痕。都没有收口,没有缠裹,也没有用膏滋润”(赛 1:4-6)。因着以色列根深蒂固的背逆,神允许了其它国家来攻打他们。





耶利米书 8:4-7, 13-22

4 “你要对他们说:‘耶和华如此说:人跌倒,不再起来吗?人转去,不再转来吗?
5 这耶路撒冷的民为何恒久背道呢?他们守定诡诈,不肯回头。
6 我留心听,听见他们说不正直的话,无人悔改恶行说:“我做的是什么呢?”他们各人转奔己路,如马直闯战场。
7 空中的鹳鸟知道来去的定期,斑鸠燕子与白鹤也守候当来的时令,我的百姓却不知道耶和华的法则。
13 耶和华说:“我必使他们全然灭绝。葡萄树上必没有葡萄,无花果树上必没有果子,叶子也必枯干。我所赐给他们的,必离开他们过去。”
14 “我们为何静坐不动呢?我们当聚集,进入坚固城,在那里静默不言。因为耶和华我们的神使我们静默不言,又将苦胆水给我们喝,都因我们得罪了耶和华。
15 我们指望平安,却得不着好处;指望痊愈的时候,不料受了惊惶!
16 听见从但那里敌人的马喷鼻气,他的壮马发嘶声,全地就都震动。因为他们来吞灭这地和其上所有的,吞灭这城与其中的居民。”
17 “看哪,我必使毒蛇到你们中间,是不服法术的,必咬你们。”这是耶和华说的。
18 我有忧愁,愿能自慰,我心在我里面发昏。
19 听啊,是我百姓的哀声从极远之地而来,说:“耶和华不在锡安吗?锡安的王不在其中吗?”耶和华说:“他们为什么以雕刻的偶像和外邦虚无的神惹我发怒呢?”
20 “麦秋已过,夏令已完,我们还未得救!”
21 先知说:因我百姓的损伤,我也受了损伤;我哀痛,惊惶将我抓住。
22 在基列岂没有乳香呢?在那里岂没有医生呢?我百姓为何不得痊愈呢?

Balm In Gilead

"Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?" — Jeremiah 8:22

英语音频 English Audio

In this frightening passage, the prophet Jeremiah refers to Gilead, a region in Israel that was known for its medicinal balm, or healing salve. In the midst of destruction, there was no place of refuge, no place even for the wounded to find help or healing.

The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah lived to see the destruction of Israel and Jerusalem by the invading powers from the north: Assyria and Babylon. The people were being punished for worshiping other gods since the days of Solomon. But they refused to repent. Isaiah says, “Woe to the sinful nation, a people whose guilt is great.... They have forsaken the LORD; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel.... Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness—only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with olive oil” (Isaiah 1:4-6). For Israel’s deep-seated rebellion, God allowed other nations to overtake them.

Later, when Jesus came, he did not come as the builder of an ark like Noah, or as a warrior like David. He came as the Great Physician, healing the lame, the sick, and the blind. Still today, our world persists in rebellion against God and is full of wounds and welts. Only in Christ can we be saved, brought back to God, and healed.


Heal us, Lord Jesus, of the sickness that afflicts all people. Heal us, and we will be saved. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
