
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“摩西在旷野怎样举蛇,人子也必照样被举起来。叫一切信他的都得永生。” - 约 3:14-15









民数记 21:4-9

4 他们从何珥山起行,往红海那条路走,要绕过以东地。百姓因这路难行,心中甚是烦躁,
5 就怨讟神和摩西说:“你们为什么把我们从埃及领出来,使我们死在旷野呢?这里没有粮,没有水,我们的心厌恶这淡薄的食物!”
6 于是耶和华使火蛇进入百姓中间,蛇就咬他们,以色列人中死了许多。
7 百姓到摩西那里,说:“我们怨讟耶和华和你,有罪了。求你祷告耶和华,叫这些蛇离开我们。”于是摩西为百姓祷告。
8 耶和华对摩西说:“你制造一条火蛇,挂在杆子上。凡被咬的,一望这蛇,就必得活。”
9 摩西便制造一条铜蛇,挂在杆子上。凡被蛇咬的,一望这铜蛇就活了。

A Bronze Snake On A Pole

“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” — John 3:14-15

英语音频 English Audio

A snake on a pole may seem a strange image to represent healing and blessing from God. But in the context of the story in Numbers 21, that’s what happened. God made it so. And the people learned, as they often had done before, that they needed to trust in God.

We might not be surprised that the people grumbled against God and Moses in the desert. All around them was a trackless, howling wilderness, with searing heat and blinding sandstorms. Ahead of them were powerful enemies, barricaded in high, walled cities.

But God had solved all of their crises before: bringing them through the Red Sea, giving them manna (bread), quail (meat), and water each day. With such a firm foundation for faith, was there any reason for the people not to trust God with their future?

The same question can apply today for God’s people who might grumble against him. And we have a lot more of God’s faithfulness in history to remind us of his care. We also have the good news of salvation through Jesus, who was lifted up on a cross for our sake. He took on himself all the punishment for sin and rebellion that was rightly ours to bear. Jesus even explained that the snake on a pole in Moses’ day pointed to his saving work on the cross. So everyone who looks to him and believes may now have eternal life.

Do you trust him?


Lord, turn our eyes upon Jesus, give us faith to trust him, and save us. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
