
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“我要在那里与你相会,又要从法柜施恩座上二基路伯中间...” - 出 25:22


有一些圣经译本中称约柜(ark)为“箱子”(chest),这样年轻读者就不会把它和巨大的挪亚方舟(Noah's ark)混为一谈(创 6:15)。另一些人称它的盖子the cover为“仁慈之座”,因为神被描述为坐在二基路伯(即天使)之上的耶和华(参撒上 4:4)。其它译本称它是“赎罪盖。”大祭司每年一次进入至圣所,将血洒在约柜的盖子上,为百姓赎罪。

饶恕和怜悯是神与祂百姓关系的核心。犹太人直到今天还在庆祝赎罪日(Yom Kippur),这是他们最神圣的日子之一。

约柜里放着神的十诫。十诫告诉我们如何荣耀神,然而我们总是亏缺神的荣耀。因此我们需要赎罪和被赦免。当我们终极的大祭司耶稣为我们洒出宝血时,祂为我们作成了终极救赎,“一劳永逸”地满足了律法的要求(来 10:10)。神的确是饶恕和怜悯的神。





出埃及记 25:10-22

10 “要用皂荚木做一柜,长二肘半,宽一肘半,高一肘半。
11 要里外包上精金,四围镶上金牙边。
12 也要铸四个金环,安在柜的四脚上,这边两环,那边两环。
13 要用皂荚木做两根杠,用金包裹。
14 要把杠穿在柜旁的环内,以便抬柜。
15 这杠要常在柜的环内,不可抽出来。
16 必将我所要赐给你的法版放在柜里。
17 要用精金做施恩座,长二肘半,宽一肘半。
18 要用金子锤出两个基路伯来,安在施恩座的两头。
19 这头做一个基路伯,那头做一个基路伯,二基路伯要接连一块,在施恩座的两头。
20 二基路伯要高张翅膀,遮掩施恩座。基路伯要脸对脸,朝着施恩座。
21 要将施恩座安在柜的上边,又将我所要赐给你的法版放在柜里。
22 我要在那里与你相会,又要从法柜施恩座上二基路伯中间,和你说我所要吩咐你传给以色列人的一切事。

The Ark Of The Covenant

"Between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the covenant law, I will meet with you. . . ." — Exodus 25:22

英语音频 English Audio

To learn about the ark of the covenant, we need to look to the authority of the Bible. We won’t find the right information in movies like Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, or in other stories or legends.

Some translations of the Bible call the ark a “chest” so that young readers won’t confuse it with Noah’s ark, which was huge (Genesis 6:15). Others call the cover “the mercy seat” because God is described as enthroned there between the cherubim (angels; see 1 Samuel 4:4). Other translations call it “the atonement cover.” And once a year the high priest would enter the Most Holy Place and sprinkle blood on the cover of the ark to make atonement for the people’s sin.

Forgiveness and mercy were central to God’s relationship with his people. And to this day Jews celebrate the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), as one of their most holy days.

In the ark were the Ten Commandments of God’s law. The law shows us how to honor God with our lives, but we always fall short. So we need atonement and forgiveness. When Jesus, our ultimate High Priest, shed his blood for us, he made the ultimate atonement, fulfilling the requirements of the law “once for all” (Hebrews 10:10). God is indeed forgiving and merciful.

Have you experienced God’s holiness and mercy in your life?


Holy and merciful God, thank you for making a way for us to be forgiven and to live in your presence—through the blood of Christ, our Savior. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
