
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“并且都喝了一样的灵食,也都喝了一样的灵水;所喝的是出于随着他们的灵磐石,那磐石就是基督。” - 林前 10:3-4


保罗这封书信,是写给一群正在挣扎中的哥林多人的;他们在发怨言,他们的生命失去了焦点,就像昔日摩西时代的以色列民那样(参看出埃及记 14-17, 32;民数记 20-21)。然而,生活艰苦是一个无法改变的事实,在旷野的以色列民没有水喝;而哥林多人则准备开始一个全新的生活方式,这无疑也是一件困难的事。






哥林多前书 10:1-13

1 弟兄们,我不愿意你们不晓得:我们的祖宗从前都在云下,都从海中经过,
2 都在云里、海里受洗归了摩西,
3 并且都吃了一样的灵食,
4 也都喝了一样的灵水;所喝的是出于随着他们的灵磐石,那磐石就是基督。
5 但他们中间多半是神不喜欢的人,所以在旷野倒毙。
6 这些事都是我们的鉴戒,叫我们不要贪恋恶事,像他们那样贪恋的。
7 也不要拜偶像,像他们有人拜的,如经上所记:“百姓坐下吃喝,起来玩耍。”
8 我们也不要行奸淫,像他们有人行的,一天就倒毙了二万三千人。
9 也不要试探主,像他们有人试探的,就被蛇所灭。
10 你们也不要发怨言,像他们有发怨言的,就被灭命的所灭。
11 他们遭遇这些事都要作为鉴戒,并且写在经上正是警戒我们这末世的人。
12 所以,自己以为站得稳的须要谨慎,免得跌倒。
13 你们所遇见的试探,无非是人所能受的。神是信实的,必不叫你们受试探过于所能受的,在受试探的时候,总要给你们开一条出路,叫你们能忍受得住。 

“And That Rock Was Christ”

"They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ." - 1 Corinthians 10:3-4

英语音频 English Audio

Paul says it so matter-of-factly: “and that rock was Christ.” But what does he mean by that in this letter to the Corinthians?

The community Paul was writing to in Corinth was struggling; they were complaining and had lost focus in a way like the Israelites had done in the time of Moses (see Exodus 14-17; 32; Numbers 20-21). But that doesn’t change the fact that life was actually hard. The Israelites had no water in the desert, and the Corinthians were in the process of starting a whole new way of life. It was undeniably hard.

Yet Paul was retelling this story as kind of a gracious warning, reminding the new Christians in Corinth that even though life was hard, Christ was still in their midst, providing them with the nourishment of the Spirit, in a way like the rock in the desert quenched the thirst of the Israelites long ago.

This is an invitation for all of us to consider when things make us upset or life becomes incredibly hard or burdensome. Will we complain and grumble? Will we become cynical and resentful? Or will we trust that the one who leads us in every situation will also provide the soul-satisfying water of life through the Holy Spirit? Take time to recognize the ways that Christ, the Rock, follows you through the deserts of your life, and list the ways he quenches your thirst.


Lord God, you never leave us or abandon us, even when our lives seem parched and dry. Soothe us with your Holy Spirit and refresh us with your never-ending love. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
