
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“...因为全地都是我的。你们要归我作祭司的国度,为圣洁的国民。” - 出 19:5-6

如今我们不经常使用妥拉(Torah) 这个词了。这个词有几个不同的用法。一般来说,它指的是神在西奈山赐给以色列的律法,包括刻在石板上的十诫(出 20:1-17)。但它也可以指旧约中的摩西五经(从创世记到申命记)。而它最根本的意思,就是神给祂百姓的命令,告诉他们怎样过一种尊崇神的生活。







出埃及记 19:1-8

1 以色列人出埃及地以后,满了三个月的那一天,就来到西奈的旷野。
2 他们离了利非订,来到西奈的旷野,就在那里的山下安营。
3 摩西到神那里,耶和华从山上呼唤他说:“你要这样告诉雅各家,晓谕以色列人说:
4 我向埃及人所行的事,你们都看见了;且看见我如鹰将你们背在翅膀上,带来归我。
5 如今你们若实在听从我的话,遵守我的约,就要在万民中做属我的子民,因为全地都是我的。
6 你们要归我做祭司的国度,为圣洁的国民。这些话你要告诉以色列人。”
7 摩西去召了民间的长老来,将耶和华所吩咐他的话都在他们面前陈明。
8 百姓都同声回答说:“凡耶和华所说的,我们都要遵行。”摩西就将百姓的话回覆耶和华。 

The Torah At Sinai (Symbol: Stone Tablets)

“Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." — Exodus 19:5-6

英语音频 English Audio

We don’t often use the word Torah anymore. And it can be used in a few different ways. Generally it refers to the law given by God to Israel at Sinai, including the Ten Commandments on stone tablets (Exodus 20:1-17). But Torah can also refer to the five books of Moses (Genesis through Deuteronomy) in the Old Testament. At its root, Torah simply means God’s instruction to his people for living in a way that honors him.

If we read today’s story wrong, we might think of it as a business transaction: If you do this, I’ll do that. But that would miss the central point: before God gives his people the Torah and calls them to obedience, he is already doing the things he promises to do. In other words, God acts first, showing his love and care long before the people commit to follow him. That’s the way it is with God’s grace. Because God has already chosen and blessed the people, they can live in faithful obedience, as outlined in the commandments, and be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

Thinking of God’s initial love and faithfulness is the best way to think about the commandments for our lives today. They are simply instructions for joyful, faithful living.

Ultimately, our heavenly High Priest, Jesus, writes the law on our hearts. He has made us a priesthood and a holy nation to serve him in his world.


Your instructions for living, O God, give us life in you and in your Son, our Savior, Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
