
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“我就是复活和生命;信我的人,虽然死了,也要活着。” - 约 11:25



为什么复活如此重要呢?因为,正如使徒保罗说的,如果耶稣没有从死里复活,我们的信便是徒然,我们就比众人更可怜(参林前 15:17-19)。靠着圣灵在我们心里工作所产生的信心,我们相信,神的确使耶稣从死里复活了。并且我们现在享受在耶稣里的新生命,盼望永远与祂同住。这并不是神话,也不是逃离现实的“画饼充饥”;这仅仅是救恩故事的核心真理。





约翰福音 11:17-37

17 耶稣到了,就知道拉撒路在坟墓里已经四天了。
18 伯大尼离耶路撒冷不远,约有六里路。
19 有好些犹太人来看马大和马利亚,要为她们的兄弟安慰她们。
20 马大听见耶稣来了,就出去迎接他;马利亚却仍然坐在家里。
21 马大对耶稣说:“主啊,你若早在这里,我兄弟必不死。
22 就是现在,我也知道,你无论向神求什么,神也必赐给你。”
23 耶稣说:“你兄弟必然复活。”
24 马大说:“我知道在末日复活的时候,他必复活。”
25 耶稣对她说:“复活在我,生命也在我。信我的人,虽然死了,也必复活;
26 凡活着信我的人必永远不死。你信这话吗?”
27 马大说:“主啊,是的,我信你是基督,是神的儿子,就是那要临到世界的。”
28 马大说了这话,就回去暗暗地叫她妹子马利亚,说:“夫子来了,叫你。”
29 马利亚听见了,就急忙起来,到耶稣那里去。
30 那时耶稣还没有进村子,仍在马大迎接他的地方。
31 那些同马利亚在家里安慰她的犹太人,见她急忙起来出去,就跟着她,以为她要往坟墓那里去哭。
32 马利亚到了耶稣那里,看见他,就俯伏在他脚前,说:“主啊,你若早在这里,我兄弟必不死。”
33 耶稣看见她哭,并看见与她同来的犹太人也哭,就心里悲叹,又甚忧愁,
34 便说:“你们把他安放在哪里?”他们回答说:“请主来看。”
35 耶稣哭了。
36 犹太人就说:“你看,他爱这人是何等恳切!”
37 其中有人说:“他既然开了瞎子的眼睛,岂不能叫这人不死吗?” 

The Resurrection And The Life (Symbol: A Broken Tombstone)

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die." — John 11:25

英语音频 English Audio

Have you heard the saying “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes”? Taxes can be adjusted, but death remains final. One day we will die. At Christmas, with the birth of Jesus, we celebrate his victory over sin and death.

In his “I am” statement today, Jesus claims to be “the resurrection and the life.” Scientifically, it’s easy to reject Jesus’ claim, because, after all, we don’t see the dead coming back to life. But Jesus, the Lord of life, is not bound by the power of death, and his resurrection seals his victory over sin and death for our sake.

Why is the resurrection so important? Because, as the apostle Paul says, if God did not raise Jesus from the dead, our faith is futile and we are the most pitiful of all people (see 1 Corinthians 15:17-19). But by faith generated through the Holy Spirit’s work in our hearts, we believe that God did raise Jesus from the dead. And we now enjoy new life in Jesus and look forward to life with him forever. This is no myth or “pie-in-the-sky, by and by” escape from the present; it’s simply the truth at the very heart of the salvation story.

Christmas 2018 is behind us, but we look forward to continuing to celebrate the meaning of Christmas at Easter. Live each day with the joy of Easter in your heart!


Jesus, you came to die for us so that we might live. Now help us, we pray, to live for you. May our lives reflect your love every day. In your name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
